Dear MARMAMers,

The following paper has recently been published in the Journal of the Marine 
Biological Association of the UK:

Ruth H. Leeney, Matthew J. Witt, Annette C. Broderick, John Buchanan, Daniel S. 
Jarvis, Peter B. Richardson & Brendan J. Godley (2011) 

Marine megavertebrates of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly: relative abundance 

We document patterns of distribution and relative abundance of marine 
megavertebrate fauna around Cornwall and the Isles
of Scilly from a combination of aerial and boat-based surveying. Between 
January 2006 and November 2007, 20 aerial surveys
were undertaken, comprising over 40 hours of on-effort flying time. In April to 
October of these years, 27 effort-corrected ferry
surveys were also conducted from a passenger ferry travelling between Cornwall 
and the Isles of Scilly. Opportunistic sightings
were also logged by the crew members of the ferry and another vessel travelling 
regularly along the same route on 155 days.
Ten megavertebrate species were sighted: basking sharks Cetorhinus 
maximus,sunfish Mola mola, common dolphins
Delphinus delphis, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, grey seals Halichoerus 
grypus,Risso’s dolphins Grampus
griseus, bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, minke whales Balaenoptera 
acutorostrata, long-finned pilot whales
Globicephala melasand killer whale Orcinus orca. During aerial surveys, 206 
sighting events of seven species were made,
compared with 145 sighting events of eight species during ferry surveys and 293 
sighting events of 10 species from opportunistic
ship-board data collection efforts. Seasonal and spatial patterns in species 
occurrence were evident. Basking sharks were the
most commonly-sighted species in the region and were relatively abundant 
throughout the estimated 5 km-wide strip of
coastal waters covered by the aerial surveys, during spring and summer. Ferry 
surveys and opportunistic vessel-based sightings
data confirmed that the distribution of surface-feeding aggregations of this 
species was largely around the coasts. Despite the
limited scope of this study, it has provided valuable baseline data, and 
possible insights into the marine biodiversity of the region.

For pdfs of the main paper and Supplementary figures, please contact Ruth 
Leeney at 

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Ruth H. Leeney

Recherche et Conservation des Cétacés de Sénégal 
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