Dear MARMAM colleagues,
My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of the following 
manuscript now available online:

An economical custom-built drone for assessing whale health.

Vanessa Pirotta, Alastair Smith, Martin Ostrowski, Dylan Russell, Ian D. 
Jonsen, Alana Grech and Robert Harcourt (2017). An economical custom-built 
drone for assessing whale health. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:425.


Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have huge potential to improve the 
safety and efficiency of sample collection from wild animals under logistically 
challenging circumstances. Here we present a method for surveying population 
health that uses UAVs to sample respiratory vapor, ‘whale blow,’ exhaled by 
free-swimming humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), and coupled this with 
amplification and sequencing of respiratory tract microbiota. We developed a 
low-cost multirotor UAV incorporating a sterile petri dish with a remotely 
operated ‘blow’ to sample whale blow with minimal disturbance to the whales. 
This design addressed several sampling challenges: accessibility; safety; cost, 
and critically, minimized the collection of atmospheric and seawater microbiota 
and other potential sources of sample contamination. We collected 59 samples of 
blow from northward migrating humpback whales off Sydney, Australia and used 
high throughput sequencing of bacterial ribosomal gene markers to identify 
putative respiratory tract microbiota. Model-based comparisons with seawater 
and drone- captured air demonstrated that our system minimized external sources 
of contamination and successfully captured sufficient material to identify 
whale blow-specific microbial taxa. Whale-specific taxa included species and 
genera previously associated with the respiratory tracts or oral cavities of 
mammals (e.g., Pseudomonas, Clostridia, Cardiobacterium), as well as species 
previously isolated from dolphin or killer whale blowholes (Corynebacteria, 
others). Many examples of exogenous marine species were identified, including 
Tenacibaculum and Psychrobacter spp. that have been associated with the skin 
microbiota of marine mammals and fish and may include pathogens. This 
information provides a baseline of respiratory tract microbiota profiles of 
contemporary whale health. Customized UAVs are a promising new tool for marine 
megafauna research and may have broad application in cost-effective monitoring 
and management of whale populations worldwide.

Keywords: UAV, UAS, drone, blow, humpback whale, microbiota, technology, 

This publication is open access and is available here:

Best regards,

Vanessa Pirotta

Vanessa Pirotta | PhD Candidate
Marine Predator Research Group
Department of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
Twitter: @VanessaPirotta
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