Dear colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce our new publication in 
Frontiers in Marine Science.

Amano, M., K. Aoki, H. Kobayashi, S. MInamikawa, K. Sato, and T. Kubodera 2023. 
Stereotypical diel movement and dive pattern of male sperm whales in a 
submarine canyon revealed by land-based and bio-logging surveys. Frontiers in 
Marine Science 10:1150308

The article is open access and can be found here:


Male sperm whales are under pressure to grow larger in order to increase their 
mating opportunities, which could lead them to more efficiently forage in high 
latitude feeding grounds. Movement patterns of male sperm whales in Nemuro 
Strait, Japan, were investigated horizontally and vertically using land-based 
observation and bio-logging methods to determine how they facilitate foraging 
in the narrow submarine canyon. Eleven tagged whales showed the distinct diel 
pattern for dive depth, as it was deeper at night than during the day. 
Five-year data of land-based observation and GPS data from six tagged whales 
revealed the tendency of whales to change the north-south direction of their 
horizontal movement every 4–6 h, and this movement direction was not related to 
the direction of the current. Their periodic heading change is thought to be a 
consequence of the whales making two round trips each day within the foraging 
area, one during the day to shallow layers and one during the night to deep 
layers. These tactics may help the whales to search for prey in this narrow 
submarine canyon efficiently. Most whales changed their direction of movement 
in a similar manner, which is probably due to the whales’ tendency to stay 
close enough to each other to obtain information about the prey environment 
using the echolocation clicks of other whales. The results emphasize the 
ability of male sperm whales to adapt their foraging tactics according to the 
prey environment of their habitat and intense pressure to grow faster may be 
the drive for this ability. The importance of social cohesion among foraging 
male sperm whales was also suggested.

Best regards,
Masao Amano
Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University

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