Dear MARMAM subscribers,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce a new publication exploring the 
ontogeny of aggressive behaviour in young grey seals:

Robinson, K.J., Pomeroy, P.P. , Hazon, N., Moss, S. & Twiss, S.D. (2016).

Individual size, sex and rearing environment impact on aggression in newly 
weaned seals.

Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12367

Aggressive behavior is an important part of how animals interact with each 
other. Aggressiveness enables individuals to defend themselves or to exploit 
opportunities to obtain resources from others. We investigated which physical 
and environmental factors affect how aggressive gray seal pups are towards each 
other once weaned from their mothers on the Isle of May breeding colony in 
Scotland. We found that pups raised on crowded areas of the colony were more 
aggressive than pups from areas with few seals, and that physical 
characteristics (sex and size) also influence how aggressive individuals of 
this seal species are. Males showed a postive correlation between aggression 
and size, while the relationship female size and aggression showed a non-linear 
relationship. Further research is needed to determine whether heightened 
aggressiveness in large or high density reared infants persists into adulthood, 
whether it is consistent throughout an individual's lifetime, or if this 
relationship is present in other age groups or species.

The article can be found at: 

The article will soon be open access; so anyone who is interested in the 
manuscript should be able to download a pdf of it once this has gone through. 
However if you have any problems getting a copy please email<>.

Kind regards,

Dr Kelly Robinson

Research Fellow

Sea Mammal Research Unit

Scottish Oceans Institute

University of St Andrews

KY16 8LB

Tel: +44(0)1334 462635

Twitter: @_SMRU_

For more information about my research please visit:

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532
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