Dear MARMAMers,
We would like to share these two new publications of the Ecology and 
Conservation of Marine Megafauna (Ecomega) research team.

Prado JHF, Kinas PG, Pennino MG, Seyboth E, Silveira FRG, Ferreira EC & Secchi 
ER (2021). Definition of no-fishing zones and fishing effort limits to reduce 
franciscana bycatch to sustainable levels in southern Brazil. Animal 
Conservation DOI:101111/acv.12679

Abstract: Franciscana Pontoporia blainvillei bycatch has been high for near six 
decades in western South Atlantic, with large regional variation. In 2012, the 
Brazilian Government-regulated gillnet fisheries in south and southeast Brazil 
by reducing fishing effort and establishing no-fishing zones. However, there is 
evidence that the magnitude of franciscana bycatch remains high and 
unsustainable. The aims of this study were to identify hotspot areas of 
franciscana bycatch associated with two main gillnet fisheries and to propose 
no-fishing zones combined with limited total allowable fishing effort (i.e. 
total net length per season) in order to meet management objectives in southern 
Brazil. A hierarchical Bayesian model using integrated nested Laplace 
approximation (INLA) was employed based on 1427 reported settings from 1999 to 
2003 and 2006 to 2009. Hotspot zones were detected and are proposed as 
no-fishing zone during the white croaker Micropogonias furnieri and striped 
weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa gillnet fishing seasons. Their extents represent 
6% (1466.8 km2) and 19% (4493.7 km2) of the fishing ground (23 204.1 km2) 
during croaker and weakfish fishing seasons respectively. The total allowable 
fishing effort estimated outside the no-fishing zones were estimated at 541 km 
(95% credible interval (CrI) [339; 940]) during croaker and 688 km (CrI [312; 
2,166]) during weakfish fishing seasons, one order of magnitude lower than the 
current total fishing effort. The drastic reduction of total fishing effort 
estimated in this study is largely due to weak protection measures since the 
gillnet fisheries became the major conservation concern for franciscana by the 
end of 1970s in southern Brazil. Although the implementation of the proposed 
exclusion zones and limiting fishing effort will strongly impact the status 
quo, they were based on the best scientific evidence and on a clearly defined 
management goal to reduce the risk of the franciscana population’s collapse in 
southern Brazil.

Fruet PF, Möller LM & Secchi ER (2021). Dynamics and viability of a small 
estuarine-resident population of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins from southern 
Brazil. Front. Mar. Sci. 

Abstract: Identifying threatened populations and quantifying their 
vulnerability is crucial for establishing priorities for conservation and 
providing robust information for decision-making. Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins 
have been long subjected to by-catch mortality in gillnet fisheries in coastal 
waters of southern Brazil, particularly in the Patos Lagoon estuary (PLE) and 
adjacent coastal waters, where dolphins from three populations (or Management 
Units) show overlapping home ranges. In this study we used a stage-classified 
matrix population model to conduct a demographic analysis of the PLE’s 
population with life-history data estimated through an 8 years mark-recapture 
study. A population viability analysis (PVA) was used to run a series of 
simulations where the risk was assessed under different by-catch scenarios, 
taking into account the effects of parameter uncertainty and stochasticity in 
the projections. In the absence of by-catch, we estimated that this dolphin 
population would growth at a rate of about 3% annually (95% CI: 1.2–5.8%). 
Under current by-catch rates, prognoses indicated high probabilities of 
viability over the next 60 years. These optimistic prognoses appear to be 
associated with the high survival of adult females. However, the eventual 
removal of very few mature females (one every year or two) would result in a 
prominent likelihood of decline from its current abundance at all pre-specified 
levels. The viability of the population would be substantially improved if the 
survival of juveniles/sub-adults could be increased. This may be achieved 
through the recently implemented dolphin protection area, which prohibits 
gillnet fisheries in the core area of this population. If the protection area 
reduces the entanglement rates of the most impacted life-stages (i.e., 
juvenile/sub-adult dolphins), there would be a substantial chance of the PLE’s 
dolphin population increasing above 20% of its current size, which is here 
proposed as conservation goal. If met, this goal has the potential to promote 
habitat quality, increase genetic diversity and connectivity with adjacent 
populations, enhancing the ability of bottlenose dolphins in southern Brazil to 
cope with environmental change and potential disease outbreaks.

Kind regards,

Eduardo R. Secchi
Professor Associado
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Megafauna Marinha-Ecomega              
                            Instituto de Oceanografia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURG
(53) 3233-6749 (53) 99945-3990 <> <> <> 
ResearcherID: D-5038-2013 

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