Dear all,

here are some new publications of week 08 / 2007,
which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.

By clicking the following link you are guided to 
a website, where the following references are 
linked to their according journal homepages. 
There you can find abstracts and contact 

Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be 
included in the weekly announcements.

Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann


Cotte, C. and C. Guinet (2007):
Historical whaling records reveal major regional retreat of Antarctic sea ice.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54(2): 243-252.

Danil, K. and S.J. Chivers (2007):
Growth and reproduction of female short-beaked 
common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in the 
eastern tropical Pacific.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(1): 108-121.

DiPaola, S., C. Akai, and B. Kraus (2007):
Experiencing Belugas: Action Selection for an Interactive Aquarium Exhibit.
Adaptive Behavior 15(1): 99-113.

Fernandez-Gimenez, M.E., H.P. Huntington, and K.J. Frost (2006):
Integration or co-optation? Traditional knowledge 
and science in the Alaska Beluga Whale Committee.
Environmental Conservation 33(4): 306-315.

Fujiwara, Y. et al. (2007):
Three-year investigations into sperm whale-fall ecosystems in Japan.
Marine Ecology 28(1): 219-232.

Levin, L.A. et al. (2007):
Advances in Vent, Seep, Whale- and Wood-Fall Biology.
Marine Ecology 28(1): 1-2.

Murase, H. et al. (2007):
Prey selection of common minke (Balaenoptera 
acutorostrata) and Bryde's (Balaenoptera edeni) 
whales in the western North Pacific in 2000 and 
Fisheries Oceanography 16(2): 186-201.

Sargeant, B.L. et al. (2007):
Can environmental heterogeneity explain 
individual foraging variation in wild bottlenose 
dolphins (Tursiops sp.)?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61(5): 679-688.


Akineden, O. et al. (2007):
Relatedness of Streptococcus equi subsp. 
zooepidemicus strains isolated from harbour seals 
(Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus 
grypus) of various origins of the North Sea 
during 1988-2005.
Veterinary Microbiology 121(1-2): 158-162.

Hoffman, J.I. et al. (2007):
Female fur seals show active choice for males 
that are heterozygous and unrelated.
Nature. 445(): 912-914.

Johnson, A. and A. Acevedo-GutiƩrrez (2007):
Regulation compliance by vessels and disturbance 
of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina).
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(2): 290-294.

Mos, L. et al. (2007):
Contaminant-associated disruption of vitamin A 
and its receptor (retinoic acid receptor alpha) 
in free-ranging harbour seals (Phoca vitulina).
Aquatic Toxicology 81(3): 319-328.

Rea, L.D., D.A.S. Rosen, and A.W. Trites (2007):
Utilization of stored energy reserves during 
fasting varies by age and season in Steller sea 
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(2): 190-200.

Sanvito, S., F. Galimberti, and E.H. Miller (2007):
Having a big nose: structure, ontogeny, and 
function of the elephant seal proboscis.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(2): 207-220.

Schulte-Pelkum, N. et al. (2007):
Tracking of biogenic hydrodynamic trails in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina).
Journal of Experimental Biology 210(5): 781-787.

Tollit, D.J. et al. (2007):
Impact of diet-index selection and the digestion 
of prey hard remains on determining the diet of 
the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus).
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(1): 1-15.


--> jan.herrmann -at -

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