Graduate Research (MSc/PhD) Opportunity: Knowledge co-production on beluga 
movement ecology in the Eastern Beaufort Sea

May 1st 2019 - Applications accepted until suitable candidate is identified

Location: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB Canada

Program Overview:
Under the ArcticNet funded project "Using Co-Produced Knowledge to Understand 
and Manage Subsistence Marine Harvests in a Changing Climate" we are looking 
for a graduate student (MSc/MA and PhD) to be part of a collaborative research 
team working to bring together western science and Traditional Ecological 
Knowledge (TEK) to characterize the movement of several marine species 
including beluga whales, Arctic char and Greenland cod in western Canadian 
Arctic largely focused in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. The program is 
using multiple pieces of data including telemetry, photosurveys, local 
observations and TEK, together to describe the movement and habitat use of 
species. This program is led by Lisa Loseto (University of Manitoba) with 
co-leads Tristan Pearce (University of Northern British Columbia), Nigel Hussey 
(University of Western), Marianne Marcoux (University of Manitoba) and Heidi 
Swanson (University of Waterloo).

Graduate Student:
The project(s) for graduate research will draw upon both western science and 
TEK under a co-management framework to understand beluga whale movement and 
activities across space, time and life stages. The beluga whale population of 
study is the Eastern Beaufort Sea population. Projects will use data collected 
from current and past telemetry, photo surveys, local observations and TEK 
spatial mapping, thus skills with GIS are recommended. The position will 
require travel and time spent in Arctic communities.

Applicants: Please submit your CV, and research intention to Dr. Loseto<>

Thank you

Lisa Loseto, Ph.D.

Research Scientist, Ecosystem Studies and Biotracers
Arctic Aquatic Research Division | Division de la recherche aquatique de 
Central and Arctic Region | RĂ©gion du Centre et de l'Arctique
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | PĂȘches et Oceans Canada
Freshwater Institute | Institut des eaux douces
501 University Crescent | 501, croissant University
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N6
Phone Number: 204 983 5135
Fax: 204 984 2403

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