PhD opportunity – Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) population 

 The Cetacean Research Group of the Coastal and Marine Research Institute (CMR, <>) at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan 
University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape, South Africa) is a dynamic 
research group working on a number of projects, investigating the natural 
history, population dynamics and structure and health assessment of local 
marine mammals populations, including whales and dolphins, in Eastern Cape 
waters (Algoa Bay and the Wild Coast).

 An opportunity has arisen at short notice for a highly qualified and 
enthusiastic candidate to conduct a PhD study on the abundance, site fidelity, 
habitat use and social structure of the Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops aduncus) in Algoa Bay, South Africa. The study will be jointly 
supervised by Dr. Stephanie Plön and Dr. Thibaut Bouveroux

 The successful candidate will need to be a team player, with good written and 
verbal skills, have experience in small boat handling (skippers license) and 
prior knowledge of taking photographs for photo-identification purposes. He/ 
she will also need to be able to work independently, be fit and able to spend 
up to eight hours at sea under sometimes strenuous conditions. Experience with 
surf launches is a plus as are prior GIS skills and good statistical skills.

 Interested candidates should send their CV, names, contact telephone and 
e-mail addresses of three referees, a cover letter expressing their motivation 
and interest in the study, and a university transcript of their MSc 
qualification to either Dr. Stephanie Plön ( 
<>) or Dr. Thibaut Bouveroux 
( <>) by 20th 
July 2015.

 The PhD position will be available pending final approval of funding for the 
project and the selected student gaining a PhD scholarship.

All the Best,

Thibaut Bouveroux
Post-doctoral fellow
Coastal and Marine Research Institute 
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)
PO Box 77000
Port Elizabeth, 6031
South Africa
Tel office: (+27) 041 504 4605
Cell phone: (+27) 076 185 6877 <> <>

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