Dear Marmamers,

Thank you to those that have already completed this short survey on areas
of concern for whale and dolphin watching. The diversity of sites listed so
far provides an insight in to the extent of the challenges for cetaceans.

If you have not yet completed the survey, we would be very grateful if you
can spare ten minutes to do so. We would also be grateful for any shares on
social media to encourage wider participation:


*More information:  *

In the lead up to the publication of WCAs new Global Guidelines for
Responsible Whale and Dolphin Watching, the World Cetacean Alliance is
asking scientists, NGOs, tourism representatives and other stakeholders to
identify ‘Areas of Concern for Whale and Dolphin Watching’ through a simple
online survey. This short survey requests respondents to:

1.       Identify up to three areas/sites/locations;

2.       Highlight the key threats;

3.       Identify potential solutions.

Information provided will be treated anonymously, with collective survey
results provided to all participants.

The WCA intends to use the information provided to highlight priority areas
where advice, funding, and the sharing of best practice will benefit both
cetaceans and local communities.

Please complete the survey here:

The survey will close on 15 July 2018.

The World Cetacean Alliance works to ensure that tourism is a force for
good, benefitting wild whales and dolphins and their habitats through
sustainable practices. Cetacean tourism in all its forms, when poorly
managed, has been shown to negatively impact cetaceans, compromising
welfare, and potentially even causing declines in populations, with likely
implications for the health of associated ecosystems. Best practice
operation must therefore be a priority for both operators and destinations
looking to achieve long-term sustainable ecotourism with associated
benefits for local communities and marine conservation.
For further information please contact

*Dylan Walker*Chief Executive Officer

*World Cetacean Alliance*
Studio 3, Lower Promenade
Madeira Drive, Brighton, BN2 1ET, UK.
t: +44 (0) 1273 355011
c: +44 (0) 7900 471490
e: <>


The World Cetacean Alliance (WCA) is a Partnership of over 100
organisations and individuals in 40 countries worldwide working
collaboratively to protect cetaceans and their habitats. World Cetacean
Alliance, the Secretariat to the Partnership, is a UK registered Charity
no. 1160484.

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