Hallo Marmam Subscribers!
Closing date 17th February 2020  (11:59pm Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time,

Application closing date for the Louis M. Herman Research Scholarship is
fast approaching! Please click the following link for scholarship criteria
and proposal submission information.


Dr. Herman’s family, colleagues, and friends established the Louis M.
Herman Research Scholarship in 2017 to honor his legacy by promoting the
type of research that was the focus of his groundbreaking studies. The
Scholarship is given every two years in the amount of $5,000.

The Louis M. Herman Research Scholarship supports a research project that
contributes to our understanding of either cetacean cognition and sensory
perception (laboratory or field studies), or humpback whale behavioral
ecology or communication. Work with other marine mammals that especially
enhances our understanding of their cognitive abilities will also be
considered. Eligible candidates include graduate students and those
students who have completed their Masters or PhD within the past three

Listen to last years winners here

Thank you,
Lindsay Porter
Awards and Scholarships Committee
Society for Marine Mammalogy
MARMAM mailing list

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