Title: Research DolphinLab - Dolphin Research Center

Research DolphinLab - Dolphin Research Center, Grassy Key, Florida

Course Information:
Research DolphinLab is a seven-day program that provides an in-depth, hands-on immersion into the field of marine mammal science. The course material surveys a wide-range of knowledge, theories and ongoing research concerning dolphins. By working with staff on actual DRC research studies, students gain a greater understanding of the cognitive abilities and social behavior of these amazing animals, as well as deeper insight into research concepts and methodology. As they are introduced to DRC and its resident dolphin population, students learn to respect each dolphin as an individual through observation of their unique behavioral and physical characteristics. The course includes a unique blend of seminars, observation time and hands-on activities and proves that learning about research is not only fascinating, but also fun! Class sizes average six to fourteen students to ensure individualized instruction.

Seminar Topics & Focused Activities Include: Research Project Design, DRC’s Current Research, Cognition and Cognitive Research, Research Law Requirements, Behavior & Ecology studies, Acoustics & Communication studies, Career Pathways & Requirements and more when time permits.

Hands-On Activities Include: Assisting research staff in conducting current research sessions, learn to conduct observation sessions, participating in additional research activities, enjoying one Dolphin Encounter swim, one Play with a Dolphin dock session, and a signal session from the dock.

Additional Activities Include: Observation time, Medical Demonstration, informal Discussions with Research personnel, Training Demonstration and more.

Dates: Saturday, June 3 to Friday, June 9, 2006

The cost of Research DolphinLab is $1700.00 (US).  Tuition includes all seminars, activities, meals and lodging.  Also included in the tuition are a video of your swim session and one photograph of your Play session.  The course fee also includes transportation to and from the Marathon Airport or Marathon hotels at pre-established times. The course is available to all students ages 18 and up.

If you have any questions about Research DolphinLab, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED], call 305-289-1121, ext. 225, or go online at www.dolphins.org and look for the section marked “DolphinLab”.

Emily Guarino
Research Coordinator
Dolphin Research Center
58901 Overseas Hwy.
Grassy Key, FL 33050

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