Greetings Marmam,

Join us on Friday May 20th, 11 am NZST (Thursday May 19th, 4 pm PDT / 7 pm
EDT / 11 pm GMT) for the next SMM Seminar Editors' Select Series: Feeding
tactics of resident Bryde's whales in New Zealand with Dr. Sahar Izadi of
the University of Auckland.

Free to attend. Registration required. Presented online on Zoom.

Register here:

Space on Zoom is limited to the first 500 attendees.
The talk will also be streamed live on the SMM Facebook page.

The SMM Seminar Editors' Select Series highlights the latest and most
exciting marine mammal science published in the Marine Mammal Science
Journal. This is your chance to engage with marine mammal scientists, learn
and ask questions from anywhere in the world.
All are welcome.

About this talk:
Baleen whales are the largest mammals on earth, but many questions about
their behaviour remain unanswered as they are submerged in the pelagic
environment. Among baleen whales, Bryde’s whales are one of the least
known. They are a non-migrating species of baleen whale with a wide
distribution. There is a small (∼ 135) year-round population of Bryde’s
whales in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. We investigated their foraging
behaviour using data collected by an archival tag (DTAG2), boat-based
surveys, and drones. Our investigation not only revealed some interesting
aspects of their foraging behaviour, but also helped us to understand other
aspects of their lives such as rest.

About the presenter:
After receiving a masters in Marine Mammal Science from the University of
St Andrews, Sahar moved to New Zealand to do a PhD at the University of
Auckland. She completed her PhD on behavioural ecology of Bryde’s whales
and graduated in 2019. Since then, she has been doing something completely
different from marine mammal science; she is a co-founder at a tech
start-up in New Zealand. But, she thinks she hasn’t distanced herself from
science, still working on the papers from her PhD and believes she will get
back to marine science world full time in the future.

Best regards,
SMM Student Members-At-Large

*Ayça Eleman, Ph.D. Candidate*
*Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker, Ph.D. Student*
*Eric Angel Ramos, Ph.D.*


*Ayça Eleman, Ph.D. Candidate*
*Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker, Ph.D. Student*
*Eric Angel Ramos, Ph.D.*
*Student Members-at-Large*
Society for Marine Mammalogy
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