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Stanley (Stan) A. Kuczaj II (1950-2016)

On 14 April 2016, the scientific community lost Dr. Stan Kuczaj, professor at 
the University of Southern Mississippi and Director of the Marine Mammal 
Behavior and Cognition Laboratory. He was a beloved teacher, researcher, 
friend, mentor, and colleague. By age 65, this well-liked, respected professor 
had achieved world-renowned status in multiple disciplines-comparative 
psychology, behavioral sciences, and developmental psychology. His tremendous 
success in these areas resulted in a legacy of more than 50 master's- and 
doctoral-level students working in a variety of fields; he also had hundreds of 
collaborators from around the world. Stan significantly contributed to and 
influenced the current direction of these fields and had many plans and 
research projects still to accomplish.

(Extracted from Memories: Stanley (Stan) A. Kuczaj II (1950-2016), by Heather 
Hill - IJCP, 29, 2016)

 Special Issue for the International Journal of Comparative Psychology
To commemorate the contributions of Dr. Stan A. Kuczaj, II to the field of 
comparative psychology, the International Journal of Comparative Psychology is 
sponsoring a special issue on research reflecting Stan's mission to understand 
the behavior, cognition, and communication of complex social animals, with a 
special emphasis on marine mammals. Stan believed in the importance of 
conducting both observational and experimental studies with animals in human 
care or in their natural habitats. We are seeking manuscripts for this special 
issue from researchers who were influenced by Stan and his font of ideas.  
Interested contributors should submit an abstract of 250-300 words to Dr. 
Heather Hill at<> no later than 
May 31st, 2016. Manuscripts for the special issue will be due August 15, 2016 
for peer review. Expected publication of this special issue will be November 
15th 2016.

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