The following two papers have just been published:

Ivashchenko, Y.V., Clapham, P.J. & Brownell, R.L. Jr.  2017.  New data on
Soviet blue and right whale catches in the North Pacific. * Journal of
Cetacean Research and Management* 17: 15-22.

ABSTRACT: Details are provided on 17 previously unreported catches of blue
whales, and 93 catches of North Pacific right whales, all taken illegally
by the former USSR. The blue whale catches were made between mid-July and
mid-September 1972 in the eastern North Pacific at distances of from 96 to
626 nautical miles from the US west coast (Oregon and Washington); they
highlight the inadequacy of the International Observer Scheme, as
implemented in 1972, to report or detect illegal whaling. These previously
unknown blue whale catches bring the Soviet total to 1,638 for the period
1948–1972. The 93 right whale catches were made during the period 1951–62
around the Kuril Islands, which brings the known total of takes of this
species from 1935–1971 to 775 (including 10 taken for scientific research
and officially reported at the time).

Ivashchenko, Y.V. & Clapham, P.J.  2017.  Evaluation of the accuracy of
reported noon positions from Soviet whaling factory ships. * Journal of
Cetacean Research and Management* 17: 23-28.

ABSTRACT: It has generally been assumed that the noon positions reported to
the International Whaling Commission (IWC) by Soviet factory ships were
accurate, despite that nation’s extensive falsification of catch records.
In this paper, Soviet whaling industry reports are used to investigate this
issue. Comparison of available track data from the reports with information
submitted to the IWC through the BIWS shows that the officially reported
data provide a reasonably accurate idea of general whaling effort, with
minor discrepancies attributable to differences in precision or to
geo-referencing. However, the Soviet report tracks sometimes include
unreported excursions for the purpose of illegal whaling, and these were
omitted from the data sent to the IWC.

Both should be downloadable from the IWC website:

...or I can send pdfs if you contact me directly.

Happy holidays everyone!
Yulia V. Ivashchenko, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115, USA
Tel: +1 206 526 4037
Email: * <>*
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