Dear MARMAM members,

We are pleased to announce NRC Fellowship opportunities for postdoctoral
scholars in the marine mammal group at NOAA's Southeast Fisheries Science
Center.   Opportunities are available to conduct research in the four
research areas described in the ad below.  Please click here
visit the NRC  Research Opportunity page for more information, and contact
me by email if you have any questions.

Update: Opportunities will remain open through the November 1 application
deadline, or until filled.

Best wishes,

The Marine Mammal Program at the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center
conducts long-term assessments of marine mammal populations throughout the
Gulf of Mexico, southeastern US waters of the North Atlantic, and the
Caribbean for conservation and management under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act and Endangered Species Act. The SEFSC passive acoustics team
collects vessel-based and long-term moored platform passive acoustic
recordings to assess marine mammal distribution, density, and abundance
trends, and to understand the role of natural and anthropogenic processes
driving those trends. This research includes monitoring of man-made and
natural sound to assess ocean noise impacts on marine mammals. We are
additionally involved in restoration projects to mitigate the impacts of
the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill on marine mammals in the Gulf of
Mexico.  Research
opportunities exist to 1) develop and implement advanced passive acoustic
density estimation methodologies, including time-series trend analyses; 2)
measure noise levels and characterize occurrence of anthropogenic noise
sources and model impacts on marine mammals; 3) model the ecological
features and processes driving marine mammal densities using moored passive
acoustic data; and 4) conduct spatially-explicit risk assessments of noise
sources (e.g. shipping, seismic surveys) using spatial data such as AIS
data and marine mammal density models.

Melissa Soldevilla, PhD
Research Fishery Biologist
NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center
75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149


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