Hi everyone,
on behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI (www.thebdri.com), 
a marine science and education centre, I am pleased to announce that our centre 
is currently accepting volunteer applications. The volunteers will participate 
in our research program along the north-eastern coast of Sardinia, focusing on 
the study of bottlenose dolphins communication and behaviour. 
This research program is accessible to everyone older than 18 years old. If you 
have 6 days or more to spend, we can offer you an unforgettable experience 
where you can learn and at the same time contribute to dolphins research and 
Volunteers will assist researchers onboard during field work; helping to locate 
and keep track of cetaceans, recording behavioural data, environmental 
information and recording sounds, video or taking photos. 
Benefits and advantages of the program:    - Travel and explore new places - 
Get involved in marine mammals research - Gain fieldwork experience - Learn to 
use different research instruments: GPS, Hydrophone, Secchi disk, digital SLR 
camera, sonar, camcorder, anemometer, compass, etc. - Help advance our 
knowledge of cetaceans to improve their conservation - Meet interesting 
people - Enjoy the outdoors of the beautiful Emerald Coast (Sardinia Island, 
Italy) - Enjoy the culinary talents of others and express your own.
Comfortable housing (private and double rooms), with shared cooking and 
bathroom facilities are provided. There is no deadline to apply. However, 
approved applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply 
early! Positions are open until filled. 
Please download the Volunteer opportunities general information at:
Further information can be found on our website (www.thebdri.com), on our 
Facebook page, or by e-mail at i...@thebdri.com
Selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Díaz López B., 2011. Whistle characteristics in free-ranging bottlenose 
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean Sea: influence of behaviour. 
Mammalian Biology  Mammalian Biology 76:180-1892. Díaz López B. & Shirai, 
J.A.B., 2009. Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin's repertoire 
and communication use. In: Dolphins: Anatomy, Behavior, and Threats, A.G: 
Pierce & L. Correa (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York. 3. Diaz Lopez B., 
2009. The bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus foraging around a fish 
farm: Effects of prey abundance on dolphins' behaviour. Current Zoology (Acta 
Zoologica Sinica) 55(4):243-248.4. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 
2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects 
evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212: 
292-303.5. Diaz Lopez, B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Mendez Fernandez, 
P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free
 ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine 
Biological Association U.K. 88(6): 1153-1157.6. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 
2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural 
Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6): 887-894.7. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 
2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture 
in a marine fish farm on the noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal 
of Marine Biological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.8. Diaz Lopez, B., 2006. 
"Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: 
Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.9. Diaz 
Lopez, B., 2006. Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia. ICES Journal of Marine Science 
63:944-951 pp.10. Diaz Lopez, B., Marini, L., Polo, F., 2005. The impact of a 
fish farm on a bottlenose dolphin population
 in the Mediterranean Sea. Thalassas 2005, 21(2): 53-58.
Bruno Diaz Lopez Chief Researcher / Marine Zoologist 
Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI 
V.Armando Diaz Nº4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy 
tel.+ 39 346 081 5414
tel. + 0789 183 1197
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