Dear colleagues,


On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the release of ‘dsmextra’ 
v1.0.0 - our new R package for diagnosing, summarising, and visualising various 
forms of extrapolation in multivariate environmental space. The package can be 
freely downloaded from Github, and a comprehensive tutorial vignette is 
available here:


Underlying concepts are fully described in our recent technical report:


Bouchet PJ, Miller DL, Roberts JJ, Mannocci L, Harris CM, Thomas L (2019). 
>From here and now to there and then: Practical recommendations for 
extrapolating cetacean density surface models to novel conditions. CREEM 
technical report 2019-01, Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental 
Modelling (CREEM), University of St Andrews, 59 p.


dsmextra is an output from the LMR-funded DenMod project 
(, which aims to advance available 
methods and improve practice in density surface modelling. 

The project is an ongoing collaboration between the University of St Andrews, 
Duke University, NOAA and the United States Navy.


For more information, questions, or bug reports, feel free to contact me at


Best wishes,




Dr. Phil Bouchet | Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling (CREEM)

The Observatory, Buchanan Gardens
University of St Andrews, St Andrews Fife
KY16 9LZ, Scotland (UK)


Associate Editor | Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation

Review Editor | Frontiers in Marine Science (Megafauna section)


M +44 7398 342547  •  E |
Twitter @pjbouchet  •  Web • ResearcherID K-5365-2012





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