On behalf of my colleagues (Shemar Blakeney and Adrian Cothren) I am pleased to 
announce the publication of our new open-access article on the interaction of 
whale baleen with oil, which can be accessed here: 

Werth, A.J., S.M. Blakeney, A.I. Cothren. Oil adsorption does not structurally 
or functionally alter whale baleen. Royal Society Open Science 6(5):e182194, 
doi: 10.1098/rsos.182194

Abstract: Mysticete whales filter small prey from seawater using baleen, a 
unique keratinous oral tissue that grows from the palate, from which it hangs 
in hundreds of serial plates. Laboratory experiments testing effects of oils on 
material strength and flexibility, particle capture, and tissue architecture of 
baleen from four mysticete species (bowhead, Balaena mysticetus; North Atlantic 
right, Eubalaena glacialis; fin, Balaenoptera physalus; humpback, Megaptera 
novaeangliae) indicate that baleen is hydrophilic and oleophobic, shedding 
rather than adsorbing oil. Oils of different weights and viscosities were 
tested, including six petroleum-based oils and two fish or plankton oils of 
common whale prey. No notable differences were found by oil type or whale 
species. Baleen did not adsorb oil; oil was readily rinsed from baleen by 
flowing water, especially from moving fringes. Microscopic examination shows 
minimal wrinkling or peeling of baleen's cortical keratin layers, likely due to 
oil repelling infiltrated water. Combined results cast doubt on fears of baleen 
fouling by oil; filter porosity is not appreciably affected, but oil ingestion 
risks remain. Particle capture studies suggest potentially greater danger to 
mysticetes from plastic pollution than oil.

1.    Baleen is hydrophilic and oleophobic, shedding rather than adsorbing oil.
2.    Oil was easily rinsed by flowing seawater, minimizing the danger of 
baleen fouling.
3.    Oil did not significantly affect baleen's flexibility, strength, or 
capture of particles.
4.    Histological investigation revealed slight wrinkling and peeling of 
baleen's surface keratin layers caused by prolonged oil exposure.
5.    Ingestion of microplastics may pose a greater risk to whales than 
ingestion of oil, based on our findings of poor adsorption of oil to baleen, 
whereas we found baleen is highly effective in trapping and accumulating small 
plastic particles. Plastic is more likely to clog the baleen filter and thus 
perhaps more likely to be ingested by whales than oil.
Best regards,
Alexander J. Werth, Ph.D.
Trinkle Professor of Biology
Hampden-Sydney College
Box 162, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943
434-223-6326, fax 434-223-6374

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