Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

One page said there's evidence it might not be true, so some pages that posted 
it are pulling the article. I've only seen that one article re-posted, but no 
other mention of it. 

--- On Thu, 8/18/11, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

From: Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Verizon contracts with Blackwater against union
To: cfinn2...@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2011, 10:42 AM

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 8/18/2011 1:24 PM, Les Schaffer wrote:
> On 8/18/11 11:13 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
>> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/08/17/1008089/-Meet-Verizons-Newest-Security-Force:-Blackwater
> link doesnt work ...
> Les

Meet Verizon's Newest Security Force: Blackwater

Wait.  What?  Blackwater?  That private, for-profit, trigger-happy army that 
killed 17 civilians in Nisour Square in Baghdad in 2007?   Yeah.  THAT 

I have just confirmed with Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1104 
that Blackwater is indeed being contracted by Verizon for security purposes.  
At this moment, CWA Local 1104 was not able to say how many security 
contractors have been hired or where they will be working.  I'm sure more 
information will follow.

Blackwater, now called Xe, is considered to be the world's largest and most 
powerful mercenary army.  In 2004, they had 2,300 men actively deployed around 
the world and another 20,000 contractors ready to go.  They claim that they 
have trained tens of thousands of security personnel since 1998.

In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, The Nation's Jeremy 
Scahill reported that, “I saw Blackwater mercenaries speeding up and down the 
streets in unmarked cars, heavily armed with M4 machine guns, flak jackets, 
other weapons strapped to their legs.”

The New York Times reports:

    The company and its executives and personnel have faced civil lawsuits, 
criminal charges and Congressional investigations surrounding accusations of 
murder and bribery. In April 2010, federal prosecutors announced weapons 
charges against five former senior Blackwater executives, including its former 
president, Erik D. Prince.
    Nearly four years after the federal government began a string of 
investigations and criminal prosecutions against company personnel, some of the 
cases have fallen apart, burdened by legal obstacles including the difficulties 
of obtaining evidence in war zones, of gaining proper jurisdiction for 
prosecutions in American civilian courts, and of overcoming immunity deals 
given to defendants by American officials on the scene.

    But in April 25, 2011, a federal appeals court reopened the criminal case 
against four former American military contractors accused of manslaughter in 
connection with the Nisour Square shooting in 2007.

At the onset of the strike, Verizon employed the services of the NJ State 
Police to escort trucks and non-union workers through picket lines.  Now, 
Verizon's hiring of a for-profit army during the strike proves two things. 
First that this is indeed a war on the middle class, and second, that Verizon 
will bear any expense to win this war.

Can you imagine a country where the billion dollar corporations have the 
world's largest and deadliest private, for-profit army at their disposal?  What 
would Blackwater guards actually do on a picket line?  I guess we will find out 
soon enough.

I already wrote about how the un-trained, non-union replacement workers are 
violating Verizon safety rules and costing the company thousands by making 
mistakes on the job, most notably by destroying a Verizon bucket truck.  In 
addition to that, Verizon spent $20,000 in postage to mail letters to striking 
union workers stating that they are terminating their health care on August 
31.  A union delegate for the IBEW also said that Verizon is offering 
contractors in Florida $75 an hour, plus hotel rooms, to come up north to work 
as non-union replacements, but they refuse to keep the terms of the previous 
union contract.

Verizon said that the concessions they are seeking on the striking union 
workers from the IBEW and CWA will save their company $1 billion a year.  So 
far, Verizon has refused to budge on these demands.  I wonder how much longer 
Verizon can refuse to sit down at the bargaining table before their union 
busting activities exceeds that $1 billion mark.  For a company sitting on $100 
billion in revenue with net profits of $6 billion last year, $1 billion seems 
like chump change.

Are you affected by this strike in anyway?  Are you walking the picket lines or 
trying to get Verizon to fix your telephone? Please share your stories in the 
comments section below.  If you like what you are reading, please check out my 
other articles HERE.  Have pictures, videos, or a story you would like to 
share, e-mail me at mrtsant...@yahoo.com.

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