[Marxism] Interesting article on Ukraine

2014-03-03 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This comes from the Telegraph in Britain-it is far from a Marxist analysis but not r

[Marxism] Oscar/celebrities pilgered

2014-02-02 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Pilger skewers some celebrity stuff but I was particularly interested in what he has

[Marxism] Scarlett makes a choice-surprise it's not for Palestinian rights

2014-01-30 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/scarlett-johansson-ends-her-relationsh

[Marxism] Pete Seeger dead

2014-01-28 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Was nominated for a Grammy on Sunday- but beaten by Stephen Colbert http://www.smh.c

[Marxism] Hollywood and Hitler

2014-01-24 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/new-focus-on-hitler-20140124-31cow.html __

[Marxism] Can't shake the spectre

2014-01-23 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/01/21/marx_is_back_global_working_class _

[Marxism] How to succeed in Hollywood

2014-01-18 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-13/golden-globes-highlight-megan-ellison-s-fas

[Marxism] Armond White expelled from NY film critics circle

2014-01-14 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/heckling-film-critic-armond-white-expelle

[Marxism] An affectionate celebration of Jaunita Moore

2014-01-09 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://selfstyledsiren.blogspot.com.au/

[Marxism] ButcherSharon close to death

2014-01-02 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-01-02/israel-ex-pm-ariel-sharon-in-critical-conditio

[Marxism] Brendan O'Neill take on Mandela

2014-01-01 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Spiked in general and O'Neill in particular grate on me to say the least-but I find

[Marxism] Interesting take on Turing pardon

2013-12-26 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Alan Turing has been pardoned but thousands of the laws victims are left with their

[Marxism] Socialist veteran Norman Harding has died

2013-12-09 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Norman Harding a veteran socialist who maintained his convictions throughout a life

[Marxism] Fred Ho playing brilliantly

2013-12-07 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == My ignorance shames me but I did not know of Fred Ho until I read Ron Jacobs post I

Re: [Marxism] Quantum physics, dialectics and society: from Marx and Engels to Khrennikov and Haven

2013-12-04 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I am far from having the scientific knowledge necessary to deal with the issues rais

[Marxism] Interesting take on Chomsky talk given its source

2013-11-25 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Sounds like an interesting talk and what appears to be a straightforward report on i

[Marxism] Australia spying on Indo president and his wife and officials

2013-11-18 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == The Snowden treasure trove continues to provide new insights into the astonishing le

Re: [Marxism] Critique of Zizek on Syria

2013-11-17 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I really appreciate the stuff of his own and others that Michael has been bringin

[Marxism] The monster in the White House breeds

2013-11-03 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.gq.com/news-politics/big-issues/201311/drone-uav-pilot-assassination?prin

[Marxism] Lou Reed-union struggle supporter

2013-10-28 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I thought this article a fitting tribute to LR http://www.nydailynews.com/entertain

[Marxism] 60 years of Murdoch

2013-10-17 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Although there is not much here of analysis the background story of Murdoch maybe of

[Marxism] Revisiting Jessica Mitford's book on death and funerals

2013-10-12 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I have no reason for posting this other than I happened across this article and I ha

Re: [Marxism] Cliff Slaughter's Work on Revolutionary Agency, etc.

2013-10-12 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Shaun I would be more interested in reading Slaughter's current works if you could p

[Marxism] North Star interview with Lars Lih

2013-10-05 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I have posted this because I think the interview is interesting and that it can be r

[Marxism] China's socialism sui generis with 315 billionaires

2013-09-17 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Chinese rich live in interesting times. http://www.smartcompany.com.au/wealth/05753

Re: [Marxism] Is Putin Really Planning To Bomb Saudi Arabia? And Syrian rebels with sarin tripping in tunnels ...

2013-09-11 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I have had my differences with Michael Karadjis in the past but in this discussion I

Re: [Marxism] Macquarie University in Australia cracks down on anti-Prime Minister T-shirts

2013-09-11 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Really this is the fight back against Abbott? It's a terrible affront to civil liber

[Marxism] Vicious sentencing of manning

2013-08-21 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/world/wikileaks-source-manning-sentenced-to-35-years-in-prison

[Marxism] Israel's sick fantasy life in Gaza

2013-08-19 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://overland.org.au/2013/08/scenes-from-a-mall-that-doesnt-exist/ ___

[Marxism] Sigurdur Thordarson scab informer

2013-08-16 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/sigurdur-thordarson-wikileakss-baby

[Marxism] Obama's cover for surveillance state.

2013-08-10 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Obama more than stretches belief when he claims to be a true reformer of the surveil

[Marxism] Is the Pope a Catholic-certainly on Gay rights

2013-07-31 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Francis supposedly pro-gay stance is merely a PR- friendly restating of the old hypo

[Marxism] Australian role in drone killings

2013-07-21 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This facility has been a central factor in the alliance between the US and its junio

[Marxism] Helen Thomas death

2013-07-21 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I don't know how Thomas was regarded generally but when I saw her on TV she seemed a

[Marxism] Pussy riot say balls to Putin and the oligarchs

2013-07-16 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == ** http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/music/pussy-riots-new-video-pours-oil-on-puti

[Marxism] Setback to genetic commoditisation

2013-07-16 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/14/how-intellectual-property-reinforces

[Marxism] Snowden reveals Australian involvement in US spy network

2013-07-08 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/world/snowden-reveals-australias-links-to-us-spy-web-20130708-

[Marxism] Obama continues Bush- Lou Reed

2013-06-21 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/video/2013/jun/21/lou-reed-edward-snowden-nsa-video

[Marxism] Report condemns treatment of Palestinians

2013-05-24 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This is an interesting addition to the info available on Israel's continuing ethnic

[Marxism] Glenda Jackson on Thatcher

2013-04-12 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Jackson unleashes in a corrective to mealy mouthed responses from labourites in UK a

[Marxism] Elvis C Tramp the dirt down

2013-04-08 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy3-R97wDKs He didn't want to work on Maggies farm _

[Marxism] Celebrating a passing

2013-04-08 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Much pious nonsense has sprouted in the media over the death of the odious baroness-

[Marxism] D. Miiliband gone or skulking

2013-03-28 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I would not be so sure that Milliband snr is gone for good. If he sniffs little brot

[Marxism] Political life in Australia :The prophet wrong footed.

2013-03-21 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == If a week is a long time in politics it turns out that 20 minutes is an eternity. Ru

[Marxism] Smithsonian contra Wilentz?

2013-02-23 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == These articles may not contain too much revelation ,especially for US listers, but I

[Marxism] Good reason to support SWP dissidents

2013-01-19 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == The anti-semitic rantings of Atzmon are once again proof that the possession of grea

[Marxism] The Luddites-a proud tradition

2013-01-18 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == A toast to King Ludd http://www.thesmartset.com/article/article01161301.aspx ___

[Marxism] Jackson Lears on Jared Diamond

2012-12-15 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == An interesting takedown of Jared Diamonds approach to "primitive" and "failed" socie

Re: [Marxism] Venezuela

2012-12-12 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == I have no disagreement with Nick in the substantive part of his response to me. Bu

[Marxism] Israelis back discrimination against Arabs: poll

2012-10-24 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Israelis recognise apartheid and like it http://www.smh.com.au/world/israelis-back-

[Marxism] Gay Baiting Gore Vidal: Politics in 1960 | The Nation

2012-10-08 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == So no messing with this Gore then http://www.thenation.com/blog/170426/gay-baiting-g

[Marxism] Anti-Islam Filmmaker Could Be Headed Back to Jail - National - The Atlantic Wire

2012-09-15 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This would be a case of some limited justice being done. The so-called film is a rid

[Marxism] Hillsborough Thatcherism Murdoch the brutal filth of capitalism

2012-09-13 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This horrendous event is well remembered as is the cover-up and abuse heaped on the

[Marxism] How bin Laden really died: book contradicts official account

2012-08-30 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == The butchering of Osama Bin Laden the Obama's foreign polict red in tooth and claw

[Marxism] Ecuador grants asylum to Assange

2012-08-16 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == http://www.smh.com.au/world/ecuador-grants-asylum-to-assange-20120816-24bs4.html 1`

[Marxism] Spy or Nazi?

2012-03-31 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == A strange story but one that I suspect hasits equivalents in the left political move

[Marxism] John Lanchester · Marx at 193 · LRB 5 April 2012

2012-03-31 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == This piece seems to me to a highpoint of a liberal empiricist sympathetic understan

[Marxism] Westpac backs down on IT replacements training

2012-03-08 Thread Gregory Adler
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Westpac is one of Australia's big 4 banks. A perfect example of finance capitaism's