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fred f might spend too much time trying to keep his revolutionary cuffs 
clean(not an unusual happenstance here)
but surely any call for a cease fire and negotiations  over in the desert of no 
return versus in effect cheering on the empire's flying monkeys 
is solid anti empire talk 
fans of  armed struggle :
the  democratic revolutio  in any national context  ---great and world 
historical as it may be--- often loses ..and often ..bb4 it wins eh ??and much 
blood  ...innocent blood... runs and runs and runs ....  that's why they call 
it a serious business in red circles 
nothing suggests a rout and vicious mop up of the rebels by col Q 's "forces"  
means game over eh ??? trying to take one on the cheap with a rag tag near 
spontaneous  uprising ??
a foolish 'safe rooters'  fantasy 
-- in fact the footballing around of the term 'democratic revolution ' (with 
the big D) has reached in my estimation a point of un useful reification on 
this list 
--- evidence lou's video of the left forum panelist on lenin "looking back "--
at any rate we all doubtless agree 
  adding even one marginal left  voice  to the media chorus now singing " get 
col Q "   can only be motivated by  preening self righteousness ....
MSM  choices for "  crimes against humanitygobblen  pin up  of the month " 
oughta be resisted at all costs
for that matter so far as the  third party  record shows so far ..in this 
interval :
 col Q prior to humantiarian intervention hadn't  broken any "rules" of 
engagement with unarmed crowds that say  LA swat teams didn't break  back in 
as to facing poorly armed rebels ..well a state has its privileges no ??? like 
a certain "right" to defend itself  commonly recognized by its fellow legal 
bandit outfits
  one thinks of Waco or the bomb dropped in 1985 on MOVE etc etc   the 
extermination of the panthers ..must one go on here ??
clearly the drag queen of the mahgreb  deserves equal standards to uncle slambo 
i say fidel and hugo are on strong ground as leaders of state systems 
a distinction lost on the don q's of hardened red meat marxism here             
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