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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Now Back to our Subject: Pardon the Extrusion, 2

I. Now back to our subject. Marx, concludes his Notebook VI of the Grundrisse with an extended discussion of circulation, the impact of fixed assets, machinery, on the turnover of capital, the impact of fixed capital on the labor process, and the impact of circulation time on the reproduction of capital. Writes our friend Karl:

The circulation of capital is the change of forms by means of which value passes through different phases. The time which this process lasts or costs to bring about belongs among the production costs of circulation, of the division of labor of production based on exchange. (Grundrisse, Penguin Books, 1973, p. 626).

Pretty straightforward, right? The physical commodity, for the capitalist owner, is but the bearer of the surplus value appropriated in production. It represents cost plus- value -which was, at one time, money without the plus. Now the commodity has to circulate, prove itself exchangeable, in order to perform the magic of its transubstantiation, in its simultaneous disappearing and realization act, materializing as mo' money. This transformation is both physical and "beyond" physical. It is social. The transformation requires some time. Time isn't always money. But the appropriation of labor time cannot be sustained without its conversion into money. Money is the alienation of time.

The process by which any single capitalist realizes the expanded value in commodity production requires that capital as a social organization expand; that the markets "officiate" at the process of transubstantiation for all, or most, or a really good portion of the commodity/supplicants.

The economic metamorphosis requires social time and space. The movement of value through different phases is accompanied by the movement of the commodities through space.

The longer the circulation time, the slower the turnover of capital, then the more encumbered is the original production process as its rate of realization, its rate of return drags upon the need for uninterrupted production to maximize the efficiency of, and circulate the overhanging costs of the increased fixed assets.

Full at:  http://thewolfatthedoor.blogspot.com

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