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Paul Le Blanc:

The convictions that Morris Stein expressed in 1944, and that Cannon expressed in defense of the “Theses on the American Revolution” in 1946, involved a belief in the need for and the possibility of a revolution in our society and our time, and also a belief in one’s self and one’s organization as elements that could be essential in bringing such revolution into being.

James P. Cannon letter to Leon Trotsky on February 20, 1940:

It is impossible to build a combat party with a tolerant attitude toward splits. In the discussion every democratic right must be assured and has been assured. Every reasonable organization concession must be made in the interests of preserving unity and educating the party in a normal atmosphere. But we must not sanctify permanent demoralization. We must not permit anybody to make an endless discussion club out of the party. Those who go beyond these bounds and take the road of split are no longer to be considered as comrades discussing a difference of opinion, but as enemies and traitors. They must be fought without mercy and without compromise on every front. We will never instill a real party patriotism into the ranks unless we establish the conception that violation of the party unity is not only a crime but a crime which brings the most ruthless punishment in the form of a war of political extermination against those who commit it.

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