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Comrade NĂ©stor Gorojovsky appears to have unsubbed from this list over,
of all things, LIBYA. And this after years of countless wrangling  over
other topics, and years of US intervention all over the world.

Does the one Brejnev once disparagingly referred to as "a fucking
present-day dandy who spends more time trying on costumes than a
18-year-old actress" (i.e. Gadaffi, during the 1979 Moscow visit),
really warrant an un-subbing ?

Apparently, Brejnev really disliked Gadaffi, because he felt Gadaffi had
openly provoked him by arriving in Moscow dressed in a track-suit and a
T-shirt, while Brejnev had, naturally, been wearing a suit and a tie.
Gaddafi of course stated that he had been wearing "the ordinary apparel"
of the Arab working class (track-suit and T-shirt).

After this first sartorial provocation, Gadaffi then switched to wearing
elaborate shiny white military uniforms (navy-style), complete with
dozens of medals hanging form his breast, to match the old USSR
generals' laden with decorations from WWII.

In the 90s, Gadaffi decided to go for the "bedouin" look, wearing the
traditional garment of his tribe. This is how he looked when he arrived
in Western countries (especially France and Italy).

Gadaffi did however get an international team of surgeons to perform a
"face lift" in the 90s. The operation cost hundreds of thousands of
dollars. And he still dyes his hair black. 

Despite being 71 years old, Muammar Gadaffi (born 1941) still appears to
be "in his 50s". In his televised appearances he appears even more of "a
dashing, maverick, leader of the revolution, who poses an enigma to the
West and could appear as the new leader of the Arab nation."

But the Libyan people HAVE BEEN LIVING UNDER GADAFFI for 41 years (two
generations), and they are not impressed by the Great Leader's
appearance or claims to virility.

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