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I confess that I agree completely with Louis on the problem with putting communism on the banner at this point in the struggle. Louis cited me from 'The Socialist Alternative' as follows:
The term communism communicated something different when Marx wrote in the nineteenth century. Communism was the name Marx used to describe the society of free and associated producers -- "an association of free men, working with the means of production held in common, and expending their many different forms of labour-power in full self-awareness as one single social labour force." But very few people think of communism that way now. In fact, people hardly think of communism as an economic system, as a way in which producers organize to produce for the needs of all! Rather, as the result of the understanding of the experiences of the last century, communism is now viewed as a political system -- in particular, as a state that stands over and above society and oppresses working people.
And he added:
It would also be advisable not to use the word communism given its associations with Stalin and all the rest. I am afraid that it has a certain currency nowadays that can best be described in terms of "epater la bourgeoisie".
Exactly on both scores! And I also agree with his calling attention to a problem with relying simply upon Lenin's Erfurt focus because of what the '21 Conditions' represented:
Furthermore, even when Lenin was alive he demonstrated a certain inability to understand what kind of party was needed. By calling for "21 Conditions" to be met by parties bidding to become members of the Comintern, he was already violating the spirit of his own party that was far less stringent.
I only want to add that in 'The Socialist Alternative' (Monthly Review Press, 2010: 181), I added a bit later to the point made above the followingin a footnote:

'For the record, on a personal level, I have no difficulty in describing myself as a communist, which represents for me an honorable tradition of the absolute commitment to build a socialist society-- one that never loses sight of what capitalism is and how it destroys people.'

    The personal, though, is not the political.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 778-230-6137

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