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Greece Solidarity Campaign

Break the chains of Greece’s debt! Rally Trafalgar Square Tuesday 23rd June 6.30

 Sign the Europe-wide petition to cancel the Greek Debt!

Following demonstrations in Brussels, Luxemburg, several German cities
and Athens, London will add its voice to the call for a just agreement
with Greece.

The Greek people are being held to ransom by international creditors
for an enormous and unpayable debt that they don’t owe and can’t pay.

As the Greek Debt Truth Commission, which launched its initial report
last week, has started to uncover, the Greek debt crisis was caused by
the lending of irresponsible European banks, the borrowing of the
corrupt Greek elite, and a global network of tax havens allowing money
to flow out of the country.  The austerity ‘medicine’ prescribed by
its creditors has devastated the Greek economy and society, driving
millions more into poverty and cutting access to essential services
like basic healthcare.

Greece is on the frontline of Europe’s debt crisis and, with €10
billion in debt repayments due between now and the end of August, the
solidarity of citizens across Europe is needed more than ever.

That’s why, as part of this international week of action in solidarity
with Greece, 42 organisations in 14 countries across Europe are
launching a Europe-wide petition calling for debt cancellation for
Greece, an end to forced austerity, a new rules for tackling debt
crises globally so countries in crisis are no longer at the mercy of
the powerful creditors when the debts that they are facing are clearly
illegitimate and unjust.

The Greece Solidarity Campaign and Jubilee Debt Campaign are calling
on supporters to rally in Trafalgar Square to show support for the
Greek government and Greek people in their effort to achieve a just
solution to the debt problem.

A big show of support from citizens across Europe will help Greece
resist the growing pressure to submit to more punishing bail-out
conditions and stand strong in its demands for debt justice.

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