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A Plan to Win Socialism In America
By Peter Gowan


John Reimann responds on FB:

I used to watch my children play make-believe when they were little. They'd invent this whole scenario - "you're the daddy. I'm the mommy. Here is the teacher." Then they'd go on to fantasize different developments between these make-believe people.

That's what this article is. All sorts of different things that a president Sanders could do. The fact that he seems increasingly unlikely to even win the nomination is irrelevant. So is the fact that he has proven over and over that he won't do it. So is the fact that any appointments he makes must be approved by the Senate. So is the fact that this fantasized legislation would be killed by the US Supreme Court quicker than you could say "socialism".

The article also has a very pleasant and nice make-believe attitude towards the Democratic Party. Even in the event that they became the majority in the Senate... Well, look at the House. They won't even consider Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, which by the way is completely inadequate anyway. What makes Jacobin think that the Senate would be any better?

They write, "Many representatives are merely careerists who will acquiesce to a leftist program if it is a choice between that or irrelevance." They really think they can bring the majority of the Democrats over to "our" side? Another childish fantasy! At best, it will be "just enough" to **almost** win the legislation.

I must admit, though, that there is one realistic piece of thinking in their article: They call the approach of winning socialism through legislation the "Salvador Allende" scenario. Even if it would go that far, which it won't, I guess they've forgotten how Allende ended up. But the name is realistic in the strategy of even the left most social democrats.
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