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Dave Riley writes:
>For Ferguson to cover for Sison on that point  is obscene.

Ah, the Trotskyist school of falsification.  I did not cover for Sison
killing anyone.

And I certainly didn't show him around my hometown as Dave did:
>Jose Maria Sison is a nice enough guy as I  showed him and his partner
around my home town of Brisbane and chaired his local meetings back in
the mid eighties.. He also writes pretty good poetry.

This whole thing arose when Andy P blasted Leila Khaled for speaking at an
ILPS event in Manila.  (She also spoke at other events).

I asked Andy how it was OK for anti-Assad forces to get material aid from
the imperialists but not for Leila Khaled to speak on an ILPS platform.

(I should *repeat* here that I have no problem with progressive Syrians
getting material aid from wherever they can in their struggle against the
Assad dictatorship; equally I have no problem with Leila - denounced by
Andy as a 'tired old Stalinist' - speaking on an ILPS platform.

Rather than answer my question Andy chose to attack Sison's record and
since Andy clearly didn't intend to answer my question I made a silly
throwaway comment about Sison's past.

Hands up, it was a stupid comment on my part.

But, hey, I never acted as his host like you did!

And I don't go round denouncing heroic revolutionary fighters like Leila
Khaled for speaking on an ILPS platform.

Andy is obsessed by the ILPS and it clouds his judgment.

And there I shall leave it.

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