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This is from an old post that I wrote for LBO-Talk back in the early 2000's.

Some time ago,I just picked up in a used bookstore Levy Rahmani, *Soviet 
Psychology: Philosophical, Theoretical and Experimental Issues* ( NY: Internal 
Universities Press, 1973) which provides an almost encyclopedic coverage of the 
development of Soviet psychology from the October Revolution down to the 1960s. 
He covers most of the usual suspects including the physiologists, Ivan Pavlov 
and Vladimir Bechterev, both of whom had been strongly influenced by the great 
Russian physiologist Ivan Sechenov (the father of Russian physiology), then 
Kornilov, who apparently made the first attempt in the Soviet Union to develop 
a specifically Marxist psychology, Vygotsky, Rubenshtein, both of whom 
crystallized what became some of the central ideas of Soviet psychology, 
Alexander Luria, who is often called the father of neuropsychology, plus many 
other people whom I am less familiar with.

According to Rahmani, Soviet psychologists following the October Revolution 
declared that psychology as a science was in a state of crisis, analogous to 
the crises in the natural sciences that Lenin had described in his Materialism 
and Empiriocriticism* The crisis in psychology was seen as emerging from a 
contradiction between the materialist outlook that was associated with 
experimental psychology, and the idealism which bourgeois psychology retained 
from the philosophies of Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, and Kant. The writings of 
Wundt, the father of modern psychology, were seen as exemplifying this 
contradiction. Therefore, early Soviet psychologists were more than willing to 
give a fair hearing to psychologies that challenged Wundt's introspectionism 
including both John B. Watson's behaviorism and Gestalt psychology. Watson's 
work was looked favorably upon because he was seen as attempting to articulate 
a materialist psychology. Watson was invited to write an article on behaviorism 
for the Large Soviet Encyclopedia. Gestalt psychology was treated favorably at 
first because it was seen as an attempt at developing a dialectical psychology. 
A little later on Soviet psychologists initiated attempts at developing their 
own psychological theories which were they hoped would be consistent with basic 
Marxist principles such as the materialist conception of history and Lenin's 
analysis of reflection.

As Rahmani makes clear, that while Soviet psychology as it evolved can be 
thought of as comprising a single school, a diversity of viewpoints did 
flourish within it. Thus, there were a variety of opinions concerning the 
status of Pavlov's reflexology. While nearly everyone expressed the utmost 
respect for Pavlov, opinions differed over how far that people thought that 
psychological phenomena could be explained in terms of his concepts of 
conditioned reflexes. Some people thought that nearly everything could be 
explained that way, while others thought that the range of phenomena that could 
be so explained was more limited and that other concepts and principles were 
required as well. Also, it should be noted for during the early 1950s Pavlovian 
psychology was for a while the official psychology in the Soviet Union, with 
most other views, such as Vygotsky's suppressed, a situation which changed 
following the death of Stalin. In fact a weakness of the book, is that is 
largely ignores the larger political context in which shifts in psychological 
opinion mirrored or were conditioned by shifts in the political winds.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
To: Jim Farmelant <farmela...@juno.com>
Subject: [Marxism] Building a Marxist psychology | Review of *Vygotsky and 
Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology*, edited by Carl Ratner and Daniele Nunes 
Henrique Silva | Anup Gampa and Jeremy Sawyer | International Socialist Review
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 01:36:40 -0600

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