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Lou Proyect writes:

“If it can be established as a "red line" that the American military only
be used to defend American territory from attack (watch out for those
dastardly Nova Scotians), any setback to revolutionary forces such as those
taking on ISIS now would be more than offset by the freedom of peoples
everywhere to dare to revolt without fear of the Navy Seals, drones and all
other forms of bullying and violence.”

Is Proyect telling the PYD they should cease fighting against Daesh until
the nonexistent US left can get its shit together and stop US imperialism
from the inside?  PYD hands have to remain perfectly clean of US
imperialism cooties even at the expense of seeing every secular leftist
Kurd slaughtered by Daesh?  The PYD are facing an enemy grown in the petri
dish of US occupation of Iraq, who are using heavy weapons of US origin and
who receive important logistical support from Turkey - a local gendarme of
US imperialism in the region (and staunch enemy of Kurdish
self-determination).  With all of these elements of US imperialism and its
consequences stacked against it the PYD should refrain from taking
advantage of the contradictions of US imperialism and refuse to operate in
coordination with US air strikes against Daesh.  As practical matter, what
are the PYD supposed to do, not use violence against Daesh while the
Americans are attacking Daesh too?  Proyect is telling the PYD to eat a
real “setback” (one that would involve their extermination) in the here and
now in exchange for a freedom from US intervention in the imaginary future
after the nonexistent US left has put an end to US imperialism.   This is
where arm chair quarterbacking struggles thousands of miles from one’s own
lived experience lands you – in the purity and “consistency” of a hollow
abstraction, totally disconnected from reality.
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