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The people of Greece must be heard: No more!
by Antonis Davanellos
Workers' Left(DEA), Greece
Socialist Worker, U.S., July 10
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Antonis Davanellos is a member of the Greek socialist group
Internationalist Workers Left (DEA), which co-founded SYRIZA in 2004.
He is a member of SYRIZA's Central Committee and the smaller Political
Secretariat, and a well-known voice of the Left Platform. In this
article for DEA's Workers' Left newspaper, he addresses the
discussions inside SYRIZA and on the broader left about what comes
next after the referendum.
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The votes of the masses of working people have given the government
and SYRIZA a clean slate to work from. They have provided a new
opportunity--maybe even a bigger opportunity than the January 25
election--to do what must be done. The measures promised by SYRIZA
during the election campaign, which could have changed the political
landscape in January if they were carried out immediately and
unilaterally--for example, the immediate restoration of collective
labor agreements, the increase of the minimum wage to the
pre-Memorandum level, the re-establishment of a pension bonus at
Christmastime--are once again on the agenda.

But now, after five months of inaction on these measures and with
almost all of the resources of the state exhausted in the meanwhile,
the scale of the measures needed must take on a more generalized
character. For example, the removal of Yannis Stournaras as governor
of the Bank of Greece and the immediate nationalization of the core
banks of the Greek financial system are now necessary conditions to
maintain the basic functions of the economy. These are necessary to
prevent the sabotage of the financial system, to ensure that working
people's savings are protected, and to stop the flow of capital out of
Greece if the government is going to be prepared to confront the chaos
and crisis to come.

Such measures are diametrically opposed to the so-called "realism" of
those who want an agreement with the lenders, no matter what the cost.
This is why the government's attempt to bring about a reconciliation
between the winners and losers in the referendum--by holding a meeting
of the leaders of Greece's biggest parties--is a wrong step. It has
revived the media's speculation about a government of "national
unity," not only as a bargaining chip to use in the difficult
negotiations with the lenders, but as a possible scenario for what's
ahead. The statement issued by the heads of SYRIZA, New Democracy,
PASOK, Potami and the others is not only false and arbitrary--it is
directly in contradiction to the polarization expressed in the
referendum. The range of unity claimed for the party leaders' July 7
statement doesn't exist and cannot exist politically.
 . . .
In the negotiations--if they can honestly be called
"negotiations"--two new issues have arisen. One is the question of
debt relief. But the proposals of the lenders on this question remain
extremely vague and put off the specifics of what will be done until
after an agreement, including commitments to new austerity measures,
is signed. The lenders' promise to hold future "substantive"
discussions about the problem of the viability of Greece's
international debt is not an acceptable commitment that would justify
the Greek government signing an agreement that will include additional
austerity measures, not to mention maintaining what has already been
carried out under the previous Memorandums.

The second issue in negotiations is a proposal for a development
program for Greece. The package put forward by European Commission
President Jean-Claude Juncker promises about 35 billion euros in
investments over the next five years. But these investments would be
made under certain conditions--specifically, acceptance of the
neoliberal counter-reforms attached to the bailout. They would be
directed at specific economic areas--and even specific
capitalists!--which means the program wouldn't permit funds to be used
in areas that are a priority for the Greek people, like saving public
hospitals and schools. The government's acceptance, in the statement
of the seven party leaders on July 7, that the agreement with the
lenders must "encourage entrepreneurship" is yet another worrying
 . . .
We must find the strength to continue the momentum from the referendum
result, facing negotiations with firmness and without conceding the
fundamental identity of SYRIZA as an anti-austerity party. We need to
prepare--responsibly, but also resolutely--for alternative policies if
and when the lenders insist on imposing a humiliating agreement of
Memorandum austerity, which will be a step toward trying to overthrow
the SYRIZA government.

In these circumstances, the role of SYRIZA as a party will be crucial.
Right now, the media gossipmongers of various types are trying to
downplay the importance of this factor, by speculating about how the
party base and structure has been left behind by a government
leadership that knows better.

It is frustrating to read and hear analysts and business leaders who
used high-pressure tactics against SYRIZA and Alexis Tsipras in an
attempt to get Tsipras to cancel the referendum or to change to a
"yes" supporter--and who today call the "no" vote victory a personal
triumph for Tsipras, but not his party. The opposite is the case, as
Petros Papakonstantinou wrote of the referendum result: "The people
overpowered the faint-hearted, the saboteurs and the bureaucrats--who
were not missing and are not missing among the circles of left
leaders--preventing a disastrous capitulation and a paralyzing

That statement is accurate in all its parts. The link between the
power of the people expressed in the "no" vote and the radical left
strategy and tactics needed to confront the new conditions after the
referendum cannot be anything other than the party of SYRIZA. The
members, cadres and grassroots structures of SYRIZA, together with the
people and other organizations of the left, mainly ANTARSYA, organized
the battle for the "no." Today, they must find the strength and the
strategy to take further steps forward.
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