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'Now, this case is not terribly significant in itself. It is only important in 
that many, many ex-members could tell similar stories – moreover, the 
ex-members of innumerable Marxist-Leninist organisations could do the same. 
Please note the pattern. There is never is a right way to go about raising 
dissent in the CWI, or any similar organisation. You inquire about how to 
openly raise an issue, but the big guns of the leadership try to talk you out 
of it, and tell you that you risk the destruction of your political credibility 
if you carry it forward. You talk to people informally (a perfectly normal 
activity) – this is a conspiracy. You write to them instead – you are 
by-passing official structures. You raise it on a committee – you should have 
informally discussed it first, rather than risk disorientating the membership. 
You submit a critical article to the Internal Bulletin, but are denounced for 
not discussing it informally (at the risk of starting a conspiracy!), before 
committing your views to writing. But whatever you do, it will be wrong. The 
trick is to make your despicable behaviour in how you express your dissent the 
issue, rather than engage with the dissent itself. The full weight of the 
apparatus is then mobilised to destroy the person concerned. Unless you are 
Peter Taaffe, Hadden or some other Leader, in which case whatever you want to 
do goes. I am certain that Finn and Clem faced similar pressures, and as busy 
people with a real life and above all a sense of proportion figured they had 
better things to do. I personally just felt demoralised, and left for a 
breather which has thankfully turned into a long and more satisfying 
alternative life.'-Dennis Tourish

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