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In the hours before the incident, Gysi was behind an unsuccessful effort to 
cancel Blumenthal’s and Sheen’s appearance at the Bundestag earlier that day.

That event was initiated by Die Linke legislators Inge Höger and Annette Groth, 
two long-time supporters of Palestinian rights who have been smeared as 
“anti-Semites” by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.


It was after the event, attended by dozens, that Blumenthal and Sheen requested 
to meet Gysi to confront him about Israel’s crimes in Gaza and the smears that 
Gysi and his acolytes had disseminated against them.

Rather than explain himself, Gysi ran away.


Blumenthal told The Electronic Intifada that several members of Die Linke urged 
Gysi to meet the two writers after their Bundestag meeting. But, according to 
Blumenthal, Gysi sent text messages to his colleagues saying he would not.

“The first message said ‘I will not meet with Max Blumenthal, he always 
compares Israel to Nazis,’” Blumenthal recalled. “The second one said that the 
meeting would be used to make him ‘look bad.’”


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