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Foreign Affairs, journal for the influential Council on Foreign Relations,
has published a fascinating article entitled "This time is different; why
US foreign policy will never recover." You can read it in its entirety here
But for those who don't want to register, here are some key excerpts:

The American foundations undergirding the liberal international order
<https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2018-06-14/myth-liberal-order> are
in grave danger, and it is no longer possible to take the pillars of that
order for granted. Think of the current moment as a game of Jenga in which
multiple pieces have been removed but the tower still stands. As a result,
some observers have concluded that the structure remains sturdy. But in
fact, it is lacking many important parts and, on closer inspection, is
teetering ever so slightly. Like a Jenga tower, the order will continue to
stand upright—right until the moment it collapses. Every effort should be
made to preserve the liberal international order, but it is also time to
start thinking about what might come after its end….

The question is not what U.S. foreign policy can do after Trump. The
question is whether there is any viable grand strategy that can endure past
an election cycle….

Washington made mistakes, of course, such as invading Iraq and forcing
countries to remove restrictions on the flow of capital across their
borders. As misguided as these errors were, and as much as they alienated
allies in the moment, they did not permanently weaken the United States’
position in the world. U.S. soft power suffered in the short term but
recovered quickly under the Obama administration. The United States still
managed to attract allies, and in the case of the 2011 intervention in
Libya, it was NATO allies
Washington to use force, not vice versa. Today, the United States has more
treaty allies than any other country in the world—more, in fact, than any
country ever.

The United States was able to weather the occasional misstep in large part
because its dominance rested on such sturdy foundations. Its geographic
blessings are ample: bountiful natural resources, two large oceans to the
east and the west, and two valued partners to the north and the south. The
country has been so powerful for so long that many of its capabilities seem
to be fundamental constants of the universe rather than happenstance. The
United States has had the most powerful military in the world since 1945,
and its economy, as measured by purchasing power parity, became the biggest
around 1870. Few people writing today about international affairs can
remember a time when the United States was not the richest and most
powerful country.

Long-term hegemony only further embedded the United States’ advantage. In
constructing the liberal international order, Washington created an array
of multilateral institutions, from the UN Security Council to the World Bank
that privileged it and key allies. Having global rules of the game benefits
everyone, but the content of those rules benefited the United States in

The United States has also benefited greatly from its financial dominance.
The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound sterling as the world’s reserve
currency 75 years ago, giving the United States the deepest and most liquid
capital markets on the globe and enhancing the reach and efficacy of its
economic statecraft. In recent decades, Washington’s financial might has
only grown. Even though the 2008 financial crisis began in the American
housing market, the end result was that the United States became more,
rather than less, central to global capital markets. U.S. capital markets
proved to be deeper, more liquid, and better regulated than anyone else’s.
And even though many economists once lost sleep over the country’s growing
budget deficits, that has turned out to be a non-crisis. Many now argue
that the U.S. economy has a higher tolerance for public debt than
previously thought.

Diplomatically, all these endowments ensured that regardless of the issue
at hand, the United States was always viewed as a reliable leader….

At the same time as the international system cemented the United States’
structural power, the country’s domestic politics helped preserve a stable
foreign policy. A key dynamic was the push and pull between different
schools of thought. An equilibrium was maintained—between those who wanted
the country to adopt a more interventionist posture and those who wanted
to husband national power, between those who preferred multilateral
approaches and those who preferred unilateral ones. When one camp
overreached, others would seize on the mistake to call for a course
correction. Advocates of restraint invoked the excesses of Iraq to push for
retrenchment. Supporters of intervention pointed to the implosion of Syria
to argue for a more robust posture.

Thanks to the separation of powers within the U.S. government, no one
foreign policy camp could accrue too much influence….

For decades, these dynamics, global and domestic, kept crises from becoming
cataclysmic. U.S. foreign policy kept swinging back into equilibrium. So
what has changed? Today, there is no more equilibrium, and the structural
pillars of American power are starting to buckle.


Despite the remarkable consistency of U.S. foreign policy, behind the
scenes, some elements of American power were starting to decline. As
measured by purchasing power parity, the United States stopped being the
largest economy in the world a few years ago. Its command of the global
commons has weakened as China’s and Russia’s asymmetric capabilities have
improved. The accumulation of “forever wars”
low-intensity conflicts has taxed the United States’ armed forces.

Outward consistency also masked the dysfunction that was afflicting the
domestic checks on U.S. foreign policy. For starters, public opinion has
ceased to act as a real constraint on decision-makers. Paradoxically, the
very things that have ensured U.S. national security—geographic isolation
and overwhelming power—have also led most Americans to not think about
foreign policy, and rationally so. The trend began with the switch to an
all-volunteer military, in 1973, which allowed most of the public to stop
caring about vital questions of war and peace. The apathy has only grown
since the end of the Cold War, and today, poll after poll reveals that
Americans rarely, if ever, base their vote on foreign policy considerations.

The marketplace of ideas has broken down, too. The barriers to entry for
harebrained foreign policy schemes have fallen away as Americans’ trust in
experts has eroded. Today, the United States is in the midst of a debate
about whether a wall along its southern border should be made of concrete,
have see-through slats, or be solar-powered.The ability of experts to kill
bad ideas isn’t what it used to be. The cognoscenti might believe that
their informed opinions can steady the hands of successive administrations,
but they are operating in hostile territory….

Foreign policy analysts largely celebrated this concentration of power in
the executive branch, and prior to Trump, their logic seemed solid. They
pointed to the public’s ignorance of and Congress’ lack of interest in
international relations
As political gridlock and polarization took hold, elected Democrats and
Republicans viewed foreign policy as merely a plaything for the next
election. And so most foreign policy elites viewed the president as the
last adult in the room.

What they failed to plan for was the election of a president who displays
the emotional and intellectual maturity of a toddler. As a candidate, Trump
gloried in beating up on foreign policy experts, asserting that he could
get better results by relying on his gut. As president, he has governed
mostly by tantrum. He has insulted and bullied U.S. allies. He has launched
trade wars that have accomplished little beyond hurting the U.S. economy.
He has said that he trusts Russian President Vladimir Putin
than his own intelligence briefers. His administration has withdrawn from
an array of multilateral agreements and badmouthed the institutions that
remain. The repeated attacks on the EU and NATO represent a bigger
strategic mistake than the invasion of Iraq. In multiple instances, his
handpicked foreign policy advisers have attempted to lock in decisions
before the president can sabotage them with an impulsive tweet. Even when
his administration has had the germ of a valid idea, Trump has executed the
resulting policy shifts in the most ham-handed manner imaginable….

After Trump, a new president will no doubt try to restore sanity to U.S.
foreign policy. Surely, he or she will reverse the travel ban, halt the
hostile rhetoric toward long-standing allies, and end the attacks on the
world trading system. These patches will miss the deeper problem, however.
Political polarization has eroded the notion that presidents need to govern
from the center. Trump has eviscerated that idea. The odds are decent that
a left-wing populist will replace the current president, and then an
archconservative will replace that president. The weak constraints on the
executive branch will only make things worse. Congress has evinced little
interest in playing a constructive role when it comes to foreign
policy. The public is still checked out on world politics. The combination
of worn-down guardrails and presidents emerging from the ends of the
political spectrum may well whipsaw U.S. foreign policy between “America
first” and a new Second International. The very concept of a consistent,
durable grand strategy will not be sustainable.

In that event, only the credulous will consider U.S. commitments credible.
Alliances will fray, and other countries will find it easier to flout
global norms. All the while, the scars of the Trump administration will
linger. The vagaries of the current administration have already forced a
mass exodus of senior diplomats from the State Department
That human capital will be difficult to replace….

What would collapse look like? The United States would remain a great
power, of course, but it would be an ordinary and less rich one. On an
increasing number of issues, U.S. preferences would carry minimal weight,
as China and Europe coordinated on a different set of rules. Persistent
domestic political polarization would encourage Middle Eastern allies, such
as Israel and Saudi Arabia, to line up with Republicans and European
allies, such as Germany and the United Kingdom, to back Democrats. The
continued absence of any coherent grand strategy would leave Latin America
vulnerable to a new Great Game as other great powers vied for influence
there. Demographic pressures would tax the United States, and the
productivity slowdown would make those pressures even worse. Trade blocs
would sap global economic growth; reduced interdependence would increase
the likelihood of a great-power war. Climate change would be mitigated
nationally rather than internationally, leaving almost everyone worse off….

The trouble with “after Trump” narratives, however, is that the 45th
president is as much a symptom of the ills plaguing U.S. foreign policy as
he is a cause….

In most *Foreign Affairs* articles, this is the moment when the writer
calls for a leader to exercise the necessary political will to do the right
thing. That exhortation always sounded implausible, but now it sounds
laughable. One hopes that the Church of Perpetual Worry does not turn into
an apocalyptic cult. This time, however, the sky may really be falling.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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