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Tony Iliitis just posted a link to an article he wrote on my blog--I am not exactly sure why. I don't have any strong objection to it as opposed to the baloney on Ukraine showing up on Links but was troubled by these paragraphs:

Furthermore, after the 2011 democratic uprisings in the Arab world, the US again backed Sunni fundamentalist groups, both directly and through the Gulf theocracies, this time to hijack the uprisings.

In Syria, this strategy helped turn the uprising into a religious-sectarian civil war. This has helped the Assad regime maintain control over part of the country. The secular Assad dictatorship is also a pragmatic ally of Iran.

full: https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/56700

What is the record of Obama backing "Sunni fundamentalist groups"? I don't recall members of the Al-Nusra Front coordinating with the CIA (forget about ISIS). In terms of the "Gulf theocracies", they have their own agenda, don't they? Tony also refers to Iran as "pragmatic" in this article. When both Iran and Syria are referred to in these terms, I can see John Dewey spinning in his grave. A pragmatic Bashar al-Assad would have co-opted some Sunni politicians back in 2011 to give his dictatorship some superficial legitimacy. He is about as pragmatic as Attila the Hun.
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