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Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski

Published in Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzelini, eds. Ours to Master and to Own: Workers’ Control from the Commune to the Present, Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2011, pp. 191-207.

Mode of Exploitation and Workers’ Resistance

The Soviet-dominated People’s Republic of Poland, [1] which existed from 1944 to 1989, was one of the transitional social formations between capitalism and socialism to emerge on the periphery of the world capitalist system. This periphery lagged behind the Western center in the historical process of industrial revolution (Aldcroft 2006). Poland’s dependent capitalist system between the wars had hindered the nation’s industrial development ; consequently, its overthrow by the Red Army after World War II allowed this delayed revolution to occur. In the newly industrialized People’s Poland, the commodities exchange ceased to be the general form of social relations, but bureaucratic domination blocked the transition to the new planned relations. This domination was based on a double set of contradictions : between the overthrow of capitalist domination on a national and regional scale and its prevalence in the world system; and between the suppression of capitalist relations of exploitation and the persistence of the productive forces fused in the crucible of these relations. The more the productive forces had adapted to capitalism, the more they hampered the development of relations of nonexploitation (Rey 1977, 130; Rey 1985, 131; Turchetto 1995 and 2007).

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