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I am a Marxist, a radical feminist, and the child of a Laotian immigrant, so it’s obvious why Trump doesn’t speak to me. His hateful and bigoted language, such as the recent recordings where he discussed sexually assaulting women, is appalling. I’m particularly disturbed by his law-and-order rhetoric. I read that he claimed police are the most discriminated-against group in America right now. I’m truly flabbergasted at that statement.

As for Clinton, her views and many of the stances taken up by the Democratic Party are just not progressive enough for me. I’m turned off by her connections to big business and capitalism, her support of fracking, and her hawkish support of Israel. Most of all, I’m disappointed by how slow she was to get on board with the Black Lives Matter group, which is the movement I’m most passionate about. While I appreciate that she has largely come around to it, I don’t see evidence that she really gets the core of the problem.

Black Lives Matter emphasizes intersectionality, which is the idea that one’s social identities are inseparable and all significant when considering how marginalized groups are oppressed. I see Clinton as a person who does not have an intersectional mindset. How can she say she supports the black community in our country but then continue to support Israel as it violently occupies Gaza, where black Palestinians live? She lacks the globally progressive view that I want in a candidate.

Jill Stein has been my candidate for years, and the Green Party has always been my affiliation of choice. She is the only candidate who recognizes the historical and systemic scope of racial issues. I admire that she lets people of color speak for themselves about solutions and experiences with police violence. I can’t think of any misgivings I have with Stein’s positions. Some people like to bring up her comments on vaccinations as a criticism, but Stein has praised the positive effects of vaccines and has only questioned the influence of big pharma on recommendations. She is a doctor with extensive medical training — why are people so dismissive of her on this issue?

full: http://www.vox.com/first-person/2016/10/19/13310016/jill-stein-millennial-voter
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