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Former Jacobin contributor and Assadist tool David Mizner peeved at Jacobin for publishing one article out of ten thousand breaking with the "anti-imperialist" consensus. Salvage gets slimed as well:

Both Jacobin and Salvage claim that Assad’s releasing jihadists in from prison in 2011 contributed mightily to the rise of ISIS. Salvage, the magazine founded by Richard Seymour and his comrades, says Syria’s ex-prisoners are one of the three primary forces within IS, along with Iraqi Baathists and foreign fighters. It didn’t deign to provide any evidence, so I went looking for some.

This post by Kyle Orton says that, “In May and June 2011, the regime turned loose from its prisons violent jihadists.” But he links to two articles covering the Syrian’s government granting of general amnesty, which the press depicted at the time as an attempt to placate the opposition. The opposition itself received it as such. “Too little too late,” said one member of the opposition.

Nonetheless, Orton goes on to say that in 2011 the Syrian government released future jihadist leaders Abu Musab, Hassan Abboud, Zahran Alloush, and Ahmed Abu Issa. I suppose I’ll take his word for it, but these bad men didn’t join ISIS. They joined Al Qaeda, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Sham, and Suquor a-Sham, respectively. These groups are indeed brutal and reactionary—and they are proxy forces of US client states trying to overthrow the Syrian government.


Mizner is hardly worth a response since he is so intellectually challenged but you'd think he'd be at least informed sufficiently to understand that ISIS did not exist in 2011 so nobody could have possibly joined it. It was formed in 2013, two years later. What a fucking dummy.
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