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April 19, 2015, marked by the publication of Prof. Michael Eric Dyson’s screed against his former mentor, Dr. Cornel West, in The New Republic, is a day that will live in mendacity. Reading the piece, which attacks West for his rejection of Obama and his activism in the name of human rights, was at times painful, enraging, and yet also to be expected. While Dyson has grown in stature as a black intellectual under the glowing auspices of the Obama administration, so too has his conformity. In the era of George W. Bush, he was able to sell himself as a well-spoken academic with a seemingly leftist agenda, using polysyllables and alliteration to stake out a claim for the validity of rap music as an expression of African American angst while denouncing the Republican agenda. But as the Obama administration proved to be hopeless and intent on enacting no change, Dyson was apt to play his cards right and curry favor with the White House.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/04/24/the-politics-of-the-academic-elite/
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