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Note by Roger Annis, Jan 29, 2015 

Among the many problems for the capitalist governments in Europe that the 
election in Greece has produced is that it complicates matters greatly for the 
additional sanctions against Russia that they would like to impose. Sanctions 
by the EU require unanimous consent of member countries. Ministers of the new 
Greek government have signaled that such consent is unlikely or downright not 
going to happen. Let us hope. 

Already, some EU countries have nixed sanctions proposals, such as the one 
floated by Britain last summer to cut Russia out of the SWIFT banking payment 
system. That proposal is being floated again by the largest capitalist 
governments in Europe and by the U.S. 

New sanctions are on the agenda as a result of the successful pushback by self 
defense forces in Donbas against the Kyiv government's rupture two weeks ago of 
the shaky and highly unsatisfactory ceasefire that Russia pressured Donbas 
rebels to accept in early September last year. Kyiv never respected the 
ceasefire for a moment. It used the four months of time it gained to rearm, 
following its disastrous military setback in late August of last year. When it 
launched its new military offensive several weeks ago, it did so while draping 
itself in the flag of 'Je suis Charlie', that is, 'We, too, are victims of 
terrorism'. That's straight out of a script of an episode of The Daily Show 
with Jon Stewart. 

The rupture of the ceasefire is, of course, being blamed by imperialist media 
and governments on self defense forces. That's the same media that does not 
report on the use of cluster weapons, shelling of towns and cities, bombing of 
buses, etc by Kyiv's army and its allied fascist militias. 

I have several articles forthcoming on the propaganda efforts of imperialist 
media, and you can follow that specific story via the 'Media critique' page of 
the New Cold War.org website. One of my article will examine how the Toronto 
Star has been supporting various fundraising campaigns in Toronto of the 
fascist Right Sector party and the fascist paramilitary battalions that have 
been integrated into Ukraine's police and military apparatus. MP Peggy Nash 
shared a platform in Toronto on November 29 with a guest, Right Sector speaker 
brought over from Ukraine to celebrate one year of the Euromaidan movement. 
(Reported here:  

The offensive launched by Kyiv in mid-January, beginning with an effort to take 
the Donetsk airport, is failing badly. Today's mainstream news reports that 
self defense forces are very close to sealing a cauldron at the town of 
Debaltsevo in Donetsk region. Thousands of Ukrainian troops are trapped there. 

Russia has announced it will extend beyond 90 days the permitted stays of 
Ukrainian men of military conscription age. Reports of revolt against military 
conscription across Ukraine are frequent and growing. 

All this and more can be read and followed on the website 'New Cold War: 
Ukraine and beyond'. http://newcoldwar.org/ Specific articles on Greece are 

* New Greek government could lead the charge against Russia sanctions, Russia 
Insider, Jan 28, 2015 

* Cutoff of Russia from SWIFT banking system is threatened, The Moscow Times, 
Jan 29, 2015 
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