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Don't know why, but for some reason a couple of articles about the period
just after 1916 have got a load of views on my little Irish blog in the
past 36 hours, so I thought I might mention them here.

These were written about 20 years ago, and there have been some very good
books and journal articles on these subjects since then.  However, I think
the pieces hold up very well:

The working class and the national struggle, 1916-1921:

Women's rights and the national struggle, 1916-1922:

Folks might also be interested in my thoughts (again written 20 years ago)
on how current day elite concerns and politics (re)shaped historical
writing about that period:

Nationalisms and anti-nationalisms in Irish historiography:

Politics and the rise of Irish historical revisionism:

The Easter Rising and the 'blood sacrifice':

Connolly, Markievicz, the republicans and the debate over 1916:

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