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One of the “most significant and complicated political forces of the modern 
world” for Julia Lovell, Maoism is “A potent mix of party-building discipline, 
anti-colonial rebellion and ‘continuous revolution”, grafted onto the secular 
religion of Soviet Marxism”. The legacy of Mao-Zedong “unlocks the contemporary 
history of China”. It is equally a “key influence on global insurgency, 
insubordination and intolerance across the last eighty years.” (Page 7) At the 
conclusion of this wide-ranging synthesis, covering the history of 20th century 
China, and the “significant afterlife” of Maoist inspired uprisings and 
groupuscules, “case studies in radicalisation” across the globe, the author 
asks of the Chairman’s homeland, “How will the PRC weather the contrast between 
the CCP’s Maoist heritage and the hybrid, globalised nature of contemporary 
China?” (Page 465)


Andrew Coates
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