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I've just put up on Redline a fascinating three-part piece on a factory
occupation that took place at Laurence Scott and Electromotors in
Manchester in 1981.  The pieces were written during the occupation, by one
of the leading shopfloor militants, Dave Hallsworth, and by two supporters
of the occupation.

Twenty years later Dave wrote a retrospective piece on the struggle at the
factory and what it showed about the wider state of the trade union
movement in Britain at the time.  It appears here:

Dave joined the british navy as a 14-year-old boy and witnessed firsthand
the horrors of British imperialism inflicted around the globe.  He then met
a young woman in the Young Communist League and married her.  For making
trouble he was expelled out of the Royal Navy.  He joined the CP, but he
and Elsie parted company with the British CP following the 1956 revelations
about Stalin and the crushing of the Hungarian workers' revolt.  For
supporting the Hungarian rising him and Elsie were denounced as
'Trotskyites', so decided to check out what the 'Trotskyites' were about,
and passed through the Healy movement and then into Cliff's IS and,
subsequently, just before the occupation began, the RCT (which later became
the RCP).  The obit appears here:

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