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NYU-SJP’s Israeli Apartheid Week highlights ongoing tragedy in Gaza &
collective resistance alongside black struggle

*Event footage will be added soon; full article and original event
announcements can be found here <https://nyusjp.wordpress.com/>.*

Over one hundred people attended two separate events as part of SJP’s
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). In addition, forty-one individuals
volunteered for NYU-SJP’s burgeoning campaign to support divesting NYU from
corporations complicit in Israeli human rights abuses. 119 NYU faculty have
thusfar called for divestment
from such corporations.  More than one hundred individuals signed up to
become NYU-SJP members and supporters. The events also raised funds for the
Palestinian Children’s Welfare Fund. The events focused on the periodic
massacres that Israel has carried out in Gaza, and the parallels between
Israeli oppression and American racism against Africans.
[image: NYU-SJP members hand out flyers next to a mock Apartheid Wall,
calling attention to the massive barrier Israel has built in the
Palestinian West Bank to confiscate land and restrict movement. The Israeli
Apartheid wall in Palestine is illegal under international law.]
members hand out flyers next to a mock Apartheid Wall, calling attention to
the massive barrier Israel has built in the Palestinian West Bank to
confiscate land and restrict movement. The Israeli Apartheid wall in
Palestine is illegal under international law

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events
<http://apartheidweek.org/events/> that seeks to raise awareness about
Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support
for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

*Mowing the Lawn*

On 25 March, reporter Joe Catron and NYU Graduate Student Jehad Abusalim
presented “Mowing the Lawn: Understanding Israeli Violence in Gaza.”

*Read the rest of this article here


Why We Held Israeli Apartheid Week

(*An alternate version of this article is slated for print publication*).

"I have witnessed the systematic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and
children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is
familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and
insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government.”
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Over one hundred students and community members participated in a series of
 NYU Students in Justice In Palestine events
known as “Israeli Apartheid Week.” In addition, forty-one individuals
volunteered for NYU-SJP’s burgeoning campaign to support divesting NYU from
corporations complicit in Israeli human rights abuses. 119 NYU faculty have
thusfar called for divestment
from such corporations.

Attacks on NYU-SJP’s event series have become increasingly bizarre
But there is an underlying theme: apologists for Israeli aggression are
running out of excuses.

Putting the Willie Horton scandal
<http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/the-legacy-the-willie-horton-ad-lives> to
shame, Israel’s re-elected prime minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, rode into
office using overtly racist fear-mongering about the dangers of “Arab
in order to appeal to Israel’s most fascistic
<http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/.premium-1.610368> elements.

Ironically, the same voter base whom Netanyahu denigrated in order to win
the election is often exploited as proof of Israeli “diversity” when Israel
is charged with the crime of Apartheid

Top: Lehman College Professor Robyn Spencer discusses her solidarity visit
to Palestine, where she witnessed, oppression, racism, and resistance,
during Israeli Apartheid Week. Spencer and her co-panelists, community
organizer Cherrell Brown and NYU graduate student Hazem Jamjoum, drew both
symbolic and material parallels between the struggles in Palestine,
Ferguson, and apartheid South Africa.

While it is true that Israel reluctantly granted citizenship to some
Palestinians -- namely, descendants of the minority of Palestinians who
remained in present-day Israel after Israel expelled the rest in 1948
-- they are subject <http://www.adalah.org/en/law/index>to at least 40
different discriminatory laws and barred from owning property in
significant portions of what is now the state of Israel.

But Israel treats most Palestinians far worse. The vast majority of
Palestinians are not considered Israeli citizens. Instead, they live
under Israeli
military occupation
under the perpetual threat of indiscriminate attack
torture <http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.630823>,
land theft <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sib5HbdEV4>, and other crimes;
or in exile <http://www.unrwa.org/palestine-refugees>as refugees, barred
from returning, in perpetual instability and danger

That is why NYU Students for Justice in Palestine joined
<http://apartheidweek.org/events/> universities, churches, mosques,
community centers, and others in commemorating Israeli Apartheid Week. That
is why the term "apartheid" has been used to describe Israeli policy by
figures including anti-apartheid hero Archbishop Desmond Tutu
former US President Jimmy Carter
and a slew of other international rights organizations, legal bodies, and
authorites. <http://itisapartheid.org/quotes.html> If anything, it is an

That is why NYU SJP is following the footsteps of the movement against
apartheid in South Africa by supporting campus divestment campaigns
against corporations complicit in Israel’s ongoing abuses.

It is why hundreds of New Yorkers listened with open minds and hearts as
NYU graduate student from Gaza Jehad Abusalim described how the Israeli
army murdered three of his friends with indiscriminate bombardment
throughout Gaza this summer, as he was forced to check if his entire family
had been killed every day for fifty days
It is why the community came to hear journalist Joe Catron tell us how he
had witnessed Israeli troops targeting hospitals and schools in Gaza
as it violated
ceasefire agreements

That is why Equal Justice USA’s Cherrell Brown spoke to our community about
the parallels she had noted between Ferguson and Palestine, where she
visited upon invitation from solidarity activists: “Like in Ferguson, they
are afraid of how people will respond to their oppressors...we were being
collectively punished [in Ferguson] because the police had shot Mike Brown,
just as Hebron [a Palestinian city under Israeli military occupation in the
West Bank] is experiencing collective punishment for what their oppressors
have done to them
She continued, “We know St. Louis police are being trained by Israeli
soldiers. They are using the same weaponry, as some of the tear gas being
used in Ferguson is from Israel. And so we must work together, and share
our stories, and our collective resistance.”

Over one hundred students and community members listen to Palestinian NYU
Graduate Student Jehad Abusalim discuss Israel’s historic policies of
concentrating refugees in Gaza, where they are subject to periodic
bombardment. He is joined by reporter Joe Catron, who lived and reported
from Gaza during Israeli assaults there in 2014 and 2012.

Israel’s atrocities in Gaza; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
attempt to kickstart
<http://mondoweiss.net/2015/03/annotated-benjamin-netanyahus#> a US war
with Iran; his collaboration with Republican warhawks to undermine the
sitting US President; his overt rejection
of what passes for “peace” in Israel; his race-baiting electoral win;
Israel’s role
NSA spying programs; and its close collaboration with heavy-handed American
have created a public relations nightmare for a state that normally holds
shameful levels of support in the United States. It appears that serious
changes to the decades of injustice Israel has imposed upon its victims are
on the horizon.

And change will not happen because of toothless negotiations between those
in power and those without; empty “dialog” initiatives; smearing and
intimidating activist groups
<http://mondoweiss.net/2014/04/semitism-accused-targeting>; or other
methods of whitewashing the blatant inequality between Israel and its
Palestinian subjects.

It will happen because of endless international efforts to organize
political resistance to the inequality, led by the Palestinian people
themselves, which NYU Students for Justice in Palestine is proud,
unashamed, and unapologetic in joining.

Amith Gupta is an International Institute of Law and Justice scholar at the
NYU School of Law. He is an organizer with NYU Students for Justice in
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