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While Corbyn has pulled up Labour Party support in Britain, down under in
NZ the LP just can't catch a break.  After three election losses in a row
they look set to lose another general election next year to the National

Interestingly, the traditional Tory party here stands to the left of Labour
on a number of key issues - they're far less racist towards Chinese
migrants, they favour keeping the existing retirement age (65), they've
raised social benefits, which none of the last three (!!!) Labour
governments have done.  They also recently voted, with most other MPs, to
abolish zero-hours contracts.

In many of the traditional Labour seats, National now has more party votes
than Labour, and some of these seats have even fallen to National in recent
years.  In 2014, more blue-collar workers voted National than Labour.


Also see the piece on how Labour's new general-secretary is indicative of
who runs Labour these days (the managerial class):

Yet, various well-meaning liberals still make up rosy nonsense about

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