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No idea who the author might be -- just thought comrades might find it
well-said and compassionate, even with its appropriately bitter many-clause
sentences. To invoke the dialectical idea of unity in opposition: by
contradiction, the consciousness of this author -- to call out and reject
the depressing and alienated dominant culture of contemporary capitalism --
shows the hope of our moment.


In The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein proposed that this is part of the great
neoliberal experiment; the wealthiest echelons are attempting to see if
society can operate merely from the top 1%'s consumption/spending. We
already see the consequences - entire regions of America (& across the
technoindustrial West) have become de-facto "sacrifice zones", not just
towns like Flint; the UN considers entire swaths of the South to have
slipped to a "third world" quality of life - no clean drinking water,
absent or rudimentary plumbing, endemic disease. The residents of these
modern-day ghettos find themselves in a situation that reveals the
gut-wrenching horror of modernity - how easily, in this society, you are
not only abandoned, but forgotten, erased from public view and
consciousness with the ever-present Pollyanaism, narcissism and
exceptionalism espoused by an increasingly frenetic, myopic popular
culture. This, too, has been normalized.

Combine that picture with an incredibly powerful
propaganda/distraction/indoctrination apparatus, a culture that serves as
an alienating panoptic of all-encompassing control, surveillance and
normalization, and you get our present day schizophrenia - a nation, a
world of individuals who are progressively being robbed of their livelihood
and future - but fully believe that the men and women who are killing them,
their families, their friends - have their best interests in mind, and with
religious fervor, to boot. They do not rise up, do not resist; an
immunological response never forms to the actual, extrinsic toxin. No, they
blame themselves as their immediate world grows more isolating, more
unaffordable, more terrifying, and pick up the heroin syringe - or the
semi-automatic, and head to a crowded place. Because no contextual cause
can be identified easily, because a thick shroud of propaganda obfuscates
rising above the violence of alienation, they inevitably sink into the
lonely, narcissized autopropaganda chamber of the mind, the increasingly
volatilized "ego tunnel" within - as such, the immunological response they
have is to themselves - modern day epidemiology, from opiate abuse to mass
shootings - represent a terminal autoimmune disease within the body of

Most "resistance" to this system has taken the shape of sightless
self-destruction; perhaps it's the good old story of "monkey see monkey do"
- we're raised in a society that teaches us only to manipulate, scheme,
destroy, and consume, are never taught compassion or empathy, never find
greater context for our lives within the fiercely competitive,
materialistic "rat race" that begins in childhood - and we look out at the
world it has created and find a lonely, dreadfully boring simulacra of
reality, one we are told is becoming existentially more uncertain, and
despite the illusionary stability of our civilization's various forms, we
feel the tremors of coming catastrophe, we feel fear - and know no other
way to face this fear than through the lenses we were taught; thus we meet
it on the hallowed fields of brimstone with the very same archaic tools of
destruction and despair that ushered in this dark timeline in the first
place - as we run from our fear of death, we end up not only becoming it,
but recreating the world in its image.


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