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Tuesday 3rd May will see the first budget of the Turnbull-Morrison Coalition
government. It is also the date of the Reserve Bank¹s next monetary policy
decision. So it is an important day for fiscal and monetary policy. Like
most people (including the well paid opinion-makers of the commentariat) I
have no idea what the budget will contain. It is unlikely that the
government will be able to break the impasse facing the state: a general
tendency of slowing growth
n-it-part-1-the-pulse-rate-of-accumulation/> , rising state debt
n-it-part-2-debt-social-reproduction/>  and a pool of sullen and largely
inchoate opposition amongst the population to various attempts by the state
to address both. The picture is complex. On this blog I have written a lot
about ŒCapital¹s Plan A
plan-a/> ¹­ the stimulation of the economy via infrastructure spending to be
financed in part by cuts to social reproduction and through the Œrecycling¹
(read privatisation or leasing) of state owned assets. This plan, at a
Federal level is stalled, due in part to the 2015 defeat of the Qld LNP
government on the question of leasing power assets. However the recent
Victorian state budget is built around increased infrastructure spending
financed by the leasing of a port and a higher level of debt[i]
e-limits-to-privatised-keynesianism/#_edn1> . Preceding the Federal budget
there has been a warning from JPMorgan and from Moody¹s about the potential
for Australia to lose its AAA rating, projections from Deloitte about the
size of the increase in both debt and deficit and,what surprised everyone,
the release by the Australian Bureau of Statistics of the latest CPI figures
showing .2% deflation in the last quarter (Australian Bureau of Statistics
e-limits-to-privatised-keynesianism/#_ENREF_4> , Greber 2016
e-limits-to-privatised-keynesianism/#_ENREF_7> , Janda 2016
e-limits-to-privatised-keynesianism/#_ENREF_11> , Martin 2016
e-limits-to-privatised-keynesianism/#_ENREF_16> ). It is this last point I
want to look at. What does this latest news tell us about the both the
direction of capital accumulation and the tensions and fault-lines of
antagonism that constitute capitalist society in Australia?

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