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In 2019” concludes The Battle for the Labour Party, will Labour under Jeremy 
Corbyn, “remain a party of protest or find a formula to defeat a government 
that is deeply vulnerable? Can Labour set aside the internal divisions to 
become a party of power again?” David Kogan offers a portrait of Labour’s 
“schisms” between “ideologues” and “pragmatists” since the 1970s. For the left, 
and one has little doubt where the author classes the Corybinista "sans 
culottes” in this division, Labour’s leadership offers an opportunity for a 
dynamic and radical party of the left in Britain” and a socialist “new style of 
politics.” Has the Party Leader, as Jon Lansman suggests, “risen to the 
occasion”? Divisions over anti-Semitism, the re-selection of MPs, and Brexit 
point to schisms. Kogan offers his own “insight” into Corbyn’s character and 
his movement, which, he asserts, point to a failure of leadership.

The backcloth of The Battle is a picture of the – confusingly labelled – New 
Left in the Labour Party. Through the lens of the Campaign for Campaign for 
Labour Party Democracy (CLDP), whose socialism, if defined, is traditional 
Clause Four nationalisation, this is not the New Left, as in New Left Review, 
and the movements with that name that began in the late 1950s. Led by the 
indomitable Vladimir Derer the CLDP focused, from 1973 onwards, on the 
“internal processes of the Labour Party.” Present day Party “fault lines” from 
the left’s high-water-mark in the early 1980s, isolation in the 1990s and the 
first decade of the new millennium, to Jeremy Corbyn’s election in 2015 and the 
2017 electoral “apotheosis” are traced through this history.


Andrew Coates
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