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SYRIZA: 'The mandate of the Greek people is not negotiable'

May 8, 2015 -- Australia-Greece Solidarity Campaign

posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

The political secretariat of SYRIZA met on May 5 and, with its
unanimous decision,  stressed amongst other things that the
"government’s red lines are the Greek people’s red lines. They
constitute the necessary prerequisite for the exit from the crisis
whilst abiding by terms of social justice and economic development“.

The decision has been translated and is shown below. The original text
in Greek is here:

No to threats: the mandate of the Greek people is not negotiable

1. The government, faithful to the popular mandate of January 25 to
abolish the memorandum policies and austerity measures, defends the
interests of the country, its people’s will and sovereign democracy.

It defends the undeniable right of a people to determine their own future.

2. As of the agreement of February 20, 2015, the lenders, supported by
some domestic and foreign media, have attempted to undermine the
difficult compromise achieved and to force the new government to
implement those policies for which the Samaras government was

3. “The government’s red lines are the Greek people’s red lines. They
constitute the necessary prerequisite for the exit from the crisis
whilst abiding by terms of social justice and economic development “.
The efforts of extreme elements among lenders is just as unacceptable
as Greece’s own domestic austerity supporting establishment that
undermines the efforts for a viable and sustainable solution, and
threatens additional austerity and recession measures which would
further impoverish society.

4.SYRIZA stands with the government as do the majority of citizens,
regardless of party affiliation. We want the people participating in
developments, to fight battles and to assert their rights. We want the
people to be a part of all this that concerns them, the future of this
country depends on the people.

5. SYRIZA extends an invitation to all the progressive, social and
political forces of Europe to join forces in a common struggle,
against the neoliberal strategy of austerity. Against blackmail and
pressure, we advocate solidarity and democracy.

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