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Four Years after Protesters Shut It Down, Israeli Embassy in Cairo Reopens
Sarah Moawad

September 11th, 2015
This week, exactly four years after it was ransacked and shut down by protesters, the Israeli embassy in Cairo was reopened. During the opening ceremony on Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reported, “the Israeli flag was raised, the name plaque outside the embassy was unveiled, and the Israeli and Egyptian national anthems were sung.” Israeli Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold lauded the relationship between the two countries, emphasizing that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi succeeded in “deflecting the threat, and we are working together for the sake of stability and prosperity in the Middle East.” He went on to praise Egypt as “the biggest and most important state in the region,” adding that “it is no wonder that the Arab world called Egypt Um al-Dunya, mother of the world.” The Egypt of 2011, that nation fought for by the people in order to serve the people, is long gone. As The New York Times wrote about the embassy’s reopening, it “reflects Israel’s effort to strengthen ties with the military-backed government in Egypt as an era of mass protest appears to have receded” [emphasis added]. It seems that the hopeful elation of the January 25th revolution has been replaced by tacit complacency in the face of yet another military regime and its “security concerns.”
'Egypt, Syria to restore diplomatic ties'

11-09-2015: 'Egypt and Syria have agreed to restore diplomatic ties. Two years ago former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi severed all ties with the Assad regime, Lebanon's Daily Star reported Friday.

According to the report the two countries will also work on cooperating together on confronting Islamist extremism, specifically the threat posed by the Islamic State group.

According to a report in the London based Arabic language daily al-Quds al-Arabi, the rapprochement between the two countries is quietly taking place, and according to an Egyptian diplomatic source quoted by al-Arabi, security ties between the two countries were never severed.'

Syria political security chief visits Egypt

Pro-Assad daily Al-Akhbar reported that Cairo and Damascus would re-establish diplomatic ties.

BEIRUT - Syrian National Security Bureau chief Ali Mamlouk has visited Cairo to meet with top Egyptian leaders in a further sign of rapprochement between the two countries, according to a report in a leading pro-Assad Lebanese newspaper. “In the last third of August, Mamlouk visited Cairo… and met with a number of high level officials in the army, and the intelligence and security services,” Al-Akhbar reported on Friday, weeks after the Syrian regime’s troubleshooter visited Riyadh. “The visit was crowned by Egyptian President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi receiving the Syrian official,” the report added. Al-Akhbar cited a “well-informed” source as saying that the visit was “very successful” and that both parties were “pleased with the results.” The daily said that during the visit reactivation of bilateral diplomatic relations was agreed upon and that this would soon result in the return of ambassadors representing the two countries to Cairo and Damascus. The source told the paper that “Cairo is preparing to name the diplomat Ahmed Helmy, who was on the staff of its embassy in Beirut, Egyptian consul general in Syria.”

Counterterror ties

Mamlouk’s visit to Egypt reportedly focused on security issues, with a source telling the Lebanese daily that the Syrian official had “discussed bilateral security cooperation to confront terrorism.” This came “within the context of the political solution in Syria, the initiatives that have been put forward, the plan of international envoy Staffan de Mistura and efforts to convene the Moscow 3 [peace talks],” the report said. “It was agreed that Egypt must play a bigger role in Syrian affairs in view of the strategic depth Syria constitutes for Egyptian national security.” According to the source, “Cairo… considers the two countries to be facing a common enemy—the Muslim Brotherhood and, by implication, Turkey—that constitutes a greater threat to Egypt than Syria.” The Egyptian officials reportedly told their Syrian guest that “Cairo believes both of the countries’ regimes are based on the strength of their armies, which form the main base of rule in them.” Mamlouk’s hosts said they believed that “as long as the army is solid the Syrian state will continue to stand,” according to the source. “Any collapse of the Syrian army will mean that we have entered the era partition in the region. Therefore, confrontation of partition begins from Syria.”

Egypt-Syria ties

Reports have also emerged that Egypt has been working to repair its broken ties with Damascus, with Al-Quds al-Arabi saying that the two countries were moving toward rapprochement. The London-based daily also cited rebel accounts that the Syrian army was shelling Zabadani with Egyptian rockets made by the state-owned Arab Organization for Industrialization. The daily went on to claim that the supply of weapons to Damascus by Cairo is “a military translation of the recent Syrian-Egyptian political détente.” In late August, a retired Egyptian general known for his opposition to Sisi accused Cairo of arming the Syrian regime, while rebels have accused the Syrian army of shelling Zabadani with Egyptian-made missiles. “On July 22, 2015, a Ukrainian merchant ship loaded with weapons and light to intermediate military equipment was sent from our country to the Syrian regime,” retired General Samy Hassan wrote on his Twitter account. “The operation to send the ship loaded with weapons to Syria was completed with orders from [Egyptian Defense Minister] Colonel General Sedki Sobhi and in coordination with the Syrian Ministry of Defense,” the former officer further claimed. He did not go into more detail on the purported weapons transfer, which is the latest in a series of accusations he has leveled against the Sisi government. In the fall of 2013, Hassan claimed that Egypt and the UAE were conspiring to overthrow Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Ayman Nour, an Egyptian opposition figure, revealed that a Syrian delegation recently visited Cairo. The delegation and Egyptian officials focused their discussion on initiatives including political reforms as a preliminary step towards transfer of power from Bashar al-Assad to one of his close associates.

Nour wrote on his official Twitter account that the said initiative would “re-polish Assad” by allowing him to visit a number of countries in the region pending mediation by Egyptian officials.

Nour’s report follows an interview by Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV with Assad in which he confirmed that Egypt and his regime have been in direct contact for weeks. Media outlets also cited an Egyptian officer as saying that the Egyptian armed forces sent a shipment of military equipment to the Syrian regime.


As Sisi and Assad grow closer, is Bashar passing on tips on his unique brand of "anti-Zionist resistance" to his friend in Cairo...?
'Snapping threat: Egypt may put alligators along Gaza border'
 'A right-wing US magazine said that the Egyptian army mayspread alligators in 
the moat it is constructing along the border withthe Gaza Strip.Israeli website 
Arutz Sheva reported: “It's not known if Egypt plans tostock the moat with 
alligators or other similar natural deterrencemethods.”The moat was described 
as a “medieval-style moat” and it was suggestedthat it could be filled with 
alligators.Arutz Sheva claimed that the Egyptian authorities removed all 
villages,residential communities and farms located about 3-5 kilometres of 
theEgypt-Gaza border to secure the area from tunnel smugglers or anythreats 
that could come from Gaza.“The moat, officials expect, will prevent tunnels 
from being built, asGaza tunnel diggers will be unable to dig deep enough to go 
under themoat. The moat will be filled with seawater from the Mediterranean,” 
thewebsite reported.
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